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Everything posted by upthx

  1. Wanting to buy or trade for USAF UPT Class and Flight patches. Especially looking for Moody Classes from 2003 to 2007 and will be interested in all that you have. Jim Flaviani
  2. Hello; Do you have one of these CB XPW patches I can trade you for or purchase please...TIA Jim Flaviani, USAF (Ret) www.usafupt.com
  3. Somebody has been busy on my website www.usafupt.com
  4. Hi All; For a museum project, I am looking for USAF Pilot Training Class patches from Moody AFB from Fiscal Year 2003 to Fiscal Year 2007. I can trade for or buy. Please help if you can Jim Flaviani, USAF (Ret) USAF UPT Historian www.usafupt.com
  5. You are not looking at the right class patches....you need to look at Columbus AFB classes (not as lame as Vance) https://www.usafupt.com/id59.htm https://www.usafupt.com/id58.htm https://www.usafupt.com/id57.htm https://www.usafupt.com/id56.htm
  6. Hi All; For a museum project, I am looking for USAF Pilot Training Class patches from Moody AFB from Fiscal Year 2003 to Fiscal Year 2007. I can trade for or buy. Please help if you can Jim Flaviani, USAF (Ret) USAF UPT Historian www.usafupt.com
  7. Does anyone have one or two of these for trade????
  8. Waiting for your reply please
  9. Would you prefer to trade them to me or sell them to me please?
  10. Would you prefer to sell or trade for them? Jim Flaviani, USAF (Ret) www.usafupt.com
  11. Do you have an extra of either patch that you want to trade or sell???
  12. www.usafupt.com I have been preserving UPT history for almost 50 years!
  13. Date is not right..it was just now 1/5/24
  14. It is in my collection!
  15. All CBM with patches
  16. I might have a few of those for trade for other classes...just let me know!
  17. Hey Biff;
    You will never guess what happened yesterday...?  An F-35B did a vertical landing on the street here (totally messed up the asphalt) and out jumped this fat man in a red flight suit and a long white beard...he came to my door and presented me with a Vance 09-15 class patch!  Can you believe it...it is what I was really needing for Christmas.  I hope he is as good to you my friend.

    Thanks and God Bless

    Merry Christmas!


    1. Biff_T


      Awesome Jim!!!


      Merry Christmas!



  18. There are 212 pages on this website. It starts by base, then by Wing & Squadron and then classes as far back as the 60's. Each page has great info and there are over 12,000 patches posted Jim Flaviani www.usafupt.com
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