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Everything posted by Musicman4

  1. Me and @Dash1isoptional will get you all the gouge bro. šŸ˜Ž
  2. Yeah, so I received notification of assignment selection in my email and it had me go into VMPF. Once I logged in, it asked if I was okay with the currently fragged RNLTD. I said yes because Iā€™m trying to get the show on the road. However, before you do say yes and move on to the Initial Assignment Briefing, thereā€™s an option in there to get your RNLTD pushed to the right. Thereā€™s a form you can print or electronically send that allows you to request different dates and it then needs to be signed by your FL/CC and SQ/CC. Have you received that email? If you havenā€™t received the email, or didnā€™t see the option, Iā€™d contact your local MPF.
  3. Thanks so much, brotha! Just sent you a DM.
  4. Dang boys!! Things are moving quick. Best of luck to everybody in this new season of life. I know there's a lot to get done, but I'm so stoked for us! It'll all be so worth it.
  5. Should be the highlighted button. VMPF > Assignments tab > Exceptional Family Member Program Application > Then the picture below. Once you get past the 3rd page or so, it'll showcase your base and then on the left hand side, click "Remove my EFMP Application."
  6. Question, if projected training start date is June 27th, does that mean PCS 30 days before? So potentially May?
  7. EFMP trick worked! Columbus, AFB. Looks like per my CDB, projected training starts in June 2024 and ends Feb 2025. (I've already completed DOSS) Which is quite a bit shorter than I anticipated? Maybe they're still working the numbers or maybe UPT is taking some more shortcuts? Who knows.
  8. I am, yeah. Well that's good to know. I've been getting conflicting information from people. Logically it doesn't make sense to go back, but AFPC made it sound like there was a possibility so then I got all confuddled šŸ˜ž
  9. Thats a great question and I just donā€™t know the answer. Iā€™ll try to poke around and see if I can get some deets from others who have gotten selected previously.
  10. I asked AFPC this question as well, more specially if I even had to go, since I've already been and completed the full IFT syllabus. They said that was up to schedulers to decide if I did have to go back or not. If I did end up having to go back, they said it would be most likely end up being a TDY sometime this summer.
  11. I reached out to AFPC regarding when we can expect our date and location notifications, "Due to 19AF resets of training programs all training scheduling is on standby and no UPT training is expected to be added until March timeframe. RNLTD is normally 30-45 days prior to Class Start Date. And RIP pis expected 1-2 months prior to RNLTD. You could be scheduled anytime throughout the year. If you have not heard anything by end of March get back to us and weā€™ll ask schedulers for anticipated training dates and location. Too soon right now." So, we might be waiting a little while.
  12. That's fantastic info. Thanks brotha. We appreciate you.
  13. Per the memorandum, "Officers selected for rated duties from the UFT board may receive short-notice assignments and/or training as early as March 2024." So, if we get assignments for Feb, it's officially confirmed, they hate us.
  14. How did you get a 99pcsm with 14.5 hours? Thats wild. Congrats man.
  15. FloridaMan hooked me up, but CC confirmed. UPT select! 77P/92 PCSM/No PPL. Good luck everybody! Hoping for the best for all of us.
  16. So realistically, Monday we should all have our answers. šŸ¤žšŸ½ Oh babyā€¦ Here we go.
  17. Does anybody know how to self-induce a coma for exactly a week and a half? I donā€™t want to feel anymore.
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