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Everything posted by JavaDocF16

  1. Weight Loss Medication.pdfWWeight Loss Medication.pdfeight Loss Medication.pdfWeight Loss Medication.pdf The latest FAA guidelines for using Ozempic for weight loss. Weight Loss Management WORKSHEET.pdf Weight_loss_management_dispo_table.pdf
  2. Sorry for the long delay. For some reason, I didn't get the notifications. Creatine is fine as long as you remain well hydrated.
  3. I was a flight surgeon for several ANG fighter squadrons as well as a private pilot. During AF Flight Medicine Basic, I had a centrifuge and altitude chamber training and testing. As the Squadron SME (dedicated doc) I had a requirement for flight hours. I was on flight status as an aircrew member and got flight ppay occasionally if I needed to get flight hours in, I would fly in a D model with an IP and do a BFM sortie. My ex-wife got tired of me leaving that she demanding I retire. I should have gotten a divorce years before that point and stayed on as a flight doc until they made me leave the service due to old age.
  4. It is a NoGo supplement . I have taken care of critically ill soldiers in basic training that used Creatine supplements during basic. The dehydration that comes with intense training can cause kidney failure, rhabdomyolisis and death even in very young, very healthy recruits. The effects are potentially life threatening and muscle mass is not worth the risk. Java Doc F16
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