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  1. You've been a huge help. Thanks so much!!!
  2. Ha. The Lord said ask the Internet. My approach is knock and see if the door opens. This is me knocking
  3. About me: 30 yrs old, bachelor's 3.79, ivy League masters 3.81, OTS completed, 100s on all four PT tests. I joined the reserves IMA chaplain program in 2021. I haven't taken any air force aptitude tests. I'm an O-2 currently with Captain in the near future if I stay. Just curious if there's any chance I could cross over to pilot from my AFSC 92R or if I would have to resign and then try to come back in through the civilian route. I'm trying to go active duty from the reserves and the chaplain corps is getting in the way of that. I feel a sense of responsibility to try to be a pilot if I have the ability to do so. Any guidance would be appreciated.
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