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Everything posted by OlderApp

  1. I've applied to a few of those units in the past. Just never got an interview. I'll try again.
  2. That's kind of what I was seeing in one of the Guard Aviation Facebook groups. Age is not on my side so I kind of have to take what ever is offered to me if offered. Inside said Facebook group, A Nav said to make sure to get a pilot slot promised in writing as more than likely they will assign you a non-rated position. Another poster claimed in his unit they made all of the Navs load masters (not sure how true that is).
  3. I just interviewed with a unit and forgot to ask this question. Kinda of wanted to see if I can find some answers here.
  4. Thanks but regarding that chart with the waiver potential got isn't in more likely Maybe or Yes for a waiver since it was a single episode and no recurrent?
  5. I did see a psychiatrist and they performed a psych eval. They wrote a letter stating that I have no depression nor any mental health issues.
  6. I wanted to bump this since I am have a couple of interviews coming up and if hired, they will have to know this info. Is there perhaps a flight doc I can speak too?
  7. Hello everyone. I have been trying for almost seven years to get picked up by the ANG, AFR and Active Air Force for a pilot slot. Last year, I was having a lot of problems with my employer. They owed me over 6 months of back pay and weren't paying me. I was looking for a new job, any job to get out of it and no luck. I was also in a fight with the Department of Labor, the IRS and my State's labor department to get one of them to do something and get my back pay owed to me. My employer even went as far as to try and claim I didn't work there but I had pay stubs and W-2/W-4 proof. I got into a lot of credit card debit, had to move back in with mom and dad, and did feel a little depressed. I went and saw a therapist and the therapist assumed I was suicidal (I was not but I guess she had a lot of patients that are due to money issues). Anyway she gave me the option of voluntarily admitting myself to the mental ward or I would be BAKER ACTED. So I spent 72 hours in a Psych Ward. Basically, I was treated like a criminal for 72 hours. Only 3 small meals, no snacks, mandatory group therapy, limited calls to the outside and one on one time with the Doctors, which was more like a police interrogation, than trying to help someone get better. They basically grilled me everyday multiple times to try to get me to admit I was suicidal or homicidal. It was like being in the Wire or Homicide Life on the Street... I was released after 3 days. I was put on Lexapro for 6 months, I basically took 10 mg for the mandatory 3 months and tapered off of it due to side effects for another 3. I have been off of it for 8 months. I did get my discharge paperwork from the hospital. Despite the hostile treatment of the doctor, he described me as "goal oriented" (I mentioned wanting to be a pilot and officer in the Air Force) with no suicidal or homicidal ideation. However, gave me a diagnosis of Major Depressive Disorder. Recently, I saw a Psychiatrist gave her the doctors paper work and she gave me a Psych Evaluation and felt that the hospital gave me a misdiagnosis and that I do not nor have never had Major Depressive Disorder. She gave me a letter stating as much. I know the military has the Genesis Program that sees your entire medical history. I have heard that having any sort of Psych Ward stay is a 100% DQ and is not waiverable. (Mostly from making an anonymous call to a few Officer Recruiters) I do have a two guard interviews coming up. If I get hired will this ruin my changes of ever becoming a pilot. But some good news, since last year I have gotten a much better paying job with a better work schedule, I have finished my PPL and am working towards my powered instrument and glider instructor ratings. Is it possible to get a waiver?
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