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  1. I also have my full MFS from a few years ago and haven't gotten any news on my assignment
  2. I live 5 minutes away from the Georgetown airfield! I had no idea it would be an IPT spot
  3. Congrats! Did you find your dates on vmpf or somewhere else?
  4. I'm in a similar situation, I'm deploying in 2 weeks. My CC contacted the board folks to deconflict my class dates with the deployment. I'm not sure if they moved my class dates because of it or if they were already this late, but he told me I'll be heading out sometime mid/late October. This conversation was a couple weeks ago, but I'm quite sure I remember him saying IPT is after PCSing. He wasn't told which base I'm going to though. But if you haven't already, you should let them know you're going to deploy so you don't have an issue with your class dates
  5. Finally got the call this morning, UPT select! 84 PCSM/99 Pilot/24 flt hours no PPL, first time applying For those who still haven't gotten the results, don't lose hope!
  6. How many people still haven't heard anything?
  7. I was hoping the same, but they updated the dates online for official release being 28 Jan:
  8. For the people who have heard the results so far, how were you told? My Sq/CC still hasn't gotten any word about it
  9. Not exactly the same situation for me, but I think that's normal. I got taken off of a deployment for the same reason, being "considered".
  10. Yeah gonna be honest, this waiting game was hard the last couple months but it's unbearable now. It's impossible to not think about it all day 🤣
  11. Just checked, FY17 had 60 selects. The two best years were FY19 with 90 selects and FY22 with 100. And those numbers are just for pilot, not the other rated positions
  12. Once the boards finished, if anyone has any inside info about the numbers of selects, please let us know! I remember someone posted those in a previous year's forum
  13. This'll be my first year applying after I got medically DQ'd 3 years ago, hoping for the best!
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