I haven't gotten any emails for MFS orders and I don't see anything in my CDB either. I emailed AFPC and they just gave me the 31 March date that we're supposed to find out by
Here's some more info from USAFSAM in addition to the page Otter provided above:
Got notified from my CC today, UPT select!
99 Pilot, 98 PCSM, 44 hrs, PPL, #1 or #2 at Wing (had a late submission from someone else in the Wing on the last day lol)
Very excited but still can't believe it!
Of course the selection results come out right as I'm going out of the country on leave 😂 I haven't heard anything from my leadership yet but still holding out hope 🤞
Congrats to everyone who was selected!
First time applying this year! Was gonna try last year but my medical didn't get back from Wright-Patt in time. Kinda thankful though cause my scores last year definitely wouldn't have been competitive. Hoping for the best come January!