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FloridaExport's Achievements


SNAP (1/4)



  1. Thanks for the feedback. I've given your response a lot of thought and while I know I can be an asset as an enlisted member the goal is to fly and time is against me. I'll be working on all the controllables and create a solid package. Hopefully I can come back with good news. Thanks again.
  2. Hey everybody and happy new year, as the title says just looking to get an idea of where I stand and how I can improve. Goal: Any heavy Units on the West Coast or North East Age: 25 GPA/College: 3.4/International Relations LORs: Current AF reserve fighter pilot, Retired Col. ANG fighter pilot instructor Flight Hours: Organizing with my cousin who owns a plane to start working towards PPL and join my local aero club to get flight hours up. Extracurricular: Golf, tennis, gym and surfing Volunteer Experience: I am looking to volunteer as a firefighter in my area or in an organization that helps veterans. Work Experience: I worked as a teacher in Spain for 8 months, helped my family business with their marketing for 6 months while also working as a delivery driver, worked sales for a software company but had to leave after 9 months due to unforeseen circumstances, and started a small marketing agency in November of 2023 to support myself while I was in Spain for the past 7 months to improve my Spanish. I omitted AFOQT and PCSM scores as I haven't taken them yet but assuming that I had solid scores I would like to know my chances with the information I have presented (I also passed a 1st class flight physical if that matters). I am looking to enlist in the reserves in hopes that the squadron can see the work ethic I possess and select me for a UPT slot. I have seen a trend on this forum saying that Guard/Reserve units like to hire from within. What I am looking for is the following: 1. How does my current resume look and what areas can I improve to make myself stand out when it's time to apply? 2. Is there an AFSC in the reserves where I can almost certainly work with pilots/operations officers in a professional capacity? 3. While enlisted how can I show ambition to be a leader besides attending drill weekends i.e. volunteer opportunities, leadership workshops etc. 4. Any other tips, links, and resources would be appreciated. Happy New Year's and thank you, Alex
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