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AngrySlam last won the day on March 7

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  1. Damn, glad for you dude @Baer. Pensacola is a good time
  2. Everyone else on this thread rn
  3. Man I could not agree more. Would be nice if there was some sort of assignment schedule or reasons given why you are still waiting
  4. @Arkbird guessing it'll show in the projected training block?
  5. Anyone have names for ENJJPT selections? Knowing the base early would help for family reasons, even if it means down to 3 options instead of four
  6. Confirmed results are only with SRs right now. My boss is hoping to have them this afternoon.
  7. My commander is flying 😭
  8. I imagine with all the political turmoil and a new SECAF that results will slide to next week, but I am optimistically calling Friday. May the odds be in your favor
  9. Also in the same boat with unbearable wait. Feel like I ping my boss every 10 minutes
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