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Everything posted by Vice

  1. Solid discussion on here about this topic. I try to avoid watching these kinds of videos. In my experience, they've made me more agitated overall, suspicious around ALL people (cops and citizens) in public to an unhealthy degree, taint my daily interactions, and the videos up my YouTube algorithm so that I get that and related content pumped in. It took me over a year to unwind from it. Now, all I do is never talk to cops unless necessary, and when I can't avoid it I make it as short, polite, and professional as possible while hamming up the military card.
  2. Doomed is a great way to describe year 3 of a 3 day operation where your handlers' country can't even capture a major Ukrainian city (Kharkiv) less than 40km away from the border. Lick those boots harder, it's not working.
  3. FYSA for my dudes that may be struggling out there: go get the help from these people if you're struggling. Went in last year, had a few sessions, the psych gave me some tools (mental models and ways to approach my situation) that actually helped. Deployed a few weeks later, got back, had my FC I renewed, and deployed yet again. It's in my medical record as well. Mental health shit can creep in over time through your career unexpectedly. If anything, those tools you learn can help mentor someone else who might be struggling. This kind of stuff is going to be extremely important in the future as our conflicts get more intense. And don't listen to the dudes who finger wag at this shit, they have the luxury of not experiencing the ugly side of life- yet. CYA
  4. Update: got a rated slot after getting busted underage drinking on AD as an E-3 or whatever. 10/10 would do again, if anyone else gets busted for it just own up to it to your commander and don't get caught again.
  5. Keep in mind that you can take the TBAS twice, and the second time people usually score higher. Although I feel that you will get a rockstar score your first time anyway, with your AFOQT scores and hours from your PPL. Your GPA is low, but I believe that many people know that the GPA for engineering majors tends to be lower. If you can explain to them why your GPA is so low (working through school, difficult courses, etc.), I'm sure they'll look at you favorably, especially with those AFOQT scores. That's my two cents, I'm a Prior-E and in AFROTC with limited knowledge on how the board would view this.
  6. Nope. Colors are too light; better to have darker colors like that new stuff the Army has.
  7. Anyone have any more info? Was informed by Cadre that for the 2015 year, there were three supplemental boards held after the first board. Looks like there will be plenty of opportunity for anyone not initially picked up. Also, cadets picked up from the 2015 board seem to be leaving to their training bases in a reasonable amount of time.
  8. I enlisted and did a few years before going into AFROTC, was able to use my G.I. Bill. Be advised that after a few years of being enlisted, going to AFROTC has the potential to drive you batshit insane.
  9. I picked this guy for an AFROTC writing assignment. Criteria was how an AF leader embodied one of the core values. Honestly had a hard time finding them and after reading this thread I cringe at the mental gymnastics i had to perform to shoehorn the paper. The AFROTC commander was a Viper driver too.
  10. Apparently there was a very high selection rate for cadets going to Field Training this year (~92% at my detachment), is it possible that there will be a similar occurrence for rated/pilot slots as well?
  11. [i know this question is asked occasionally, created a bunch of keywords to help search results] 1. Do all Guard/Reserve units require me to have my degree BEFORE the board date, or before the application date? I'll be commissioning through ROTC so if I get accepted I can get started right away... 2. Where are the best places to see which units are hiring? WantsCheck is always broken... 3. If a unit isn't hiring, how would one go about asking to see if they need new guys anyway? Is there a law or AF reg that says the position needs to be advertised?
  12. What's up with the Navy's blue digital camo pattern? Blends in quite well with water when they fall overboard, makes them easy to spot against the grey paint on deck.
  13. https://english.alarabiya.net/en/News/middle-east/2014/08/30/ISIS-says-it-forces-abduct-pilots-to-train-fighters.html
  14. https://washingtonexaminer.com/army-cant-track-spending-on-4.3b-system-to-track-spending-ig-finds/article/2552808
  15. Classic thread revival; anyone have non-broken links? for science
  16. so convince the other LTs to park there
  17. never seen a spot that says "Any LT". What happens
  18. Liveleak has a channel dedicated to Ukraine; posts stuff the MSM can't. Very NSFW
  19. I've heard about this... why not? My best guess is that 2LT/1LT = A1C/SrA and therefore it's weird
  20. Noted. "But I thought...." sounds like an ego protection method. Whenever I screw something up I just say something along the lines of "Hey I dropped the ball there, won't happen again". Made everyone get off my case quicker and on to more important things like lunchtime. My ego can be stroked somewhere else
  21. Any good stories about when an LT should have STFU'd?
  22. Going to be commissioning in a few years; I'll have a few years in already as a prior enlisted guy, but what can I expect as a new LT? How am I going to get messed with? What assumptions are people going to make of me? What are somethings I should definitely NOT do (besides make threads like this)?
  23. Did this when I was an SrA. Nice little retirement plan. VA loan will cover any building up to 4 units, if you're interested PM me and I can give you the contact info of someone who can help you find a place. As a single guy I would reccommend you live in Norfolk/VA Beach, but the bridge tunnel traffic will occasionally get you. If you leave early enough in the morning there will be a handful of cars, followed by a flood of cars 20 minutes later. About an hour and ahalf north you have Richmond, cool place to hang out. VCU is there and there's a great college scene there. They tend to lean to the more hippie side of things. Williamsburg is about 45 minutes north and has Busch Gardens, not as good as Tampa's BG, but still fun. Colonial Williamsburg is a great place to bring a date, and the College of William and Mary is integrated into the area. GREAT place if you want to meet very intelligent young ladies. Newport News has the Mariner's Museum and the Viginia Living Museum, and there is also Christopher Newport University, which I think has the best looking ladies. Pretty intelligent too, and the campus is beautiful in the winter. Stay away from south Newport News (pretty much the numbered streets) since that's the hood. There's a running trail next to the school, and there's also a little bridge that you can watch Ospreys hunt for fish about 20 feet in front you you. Hampton sucks. Crappy, flat beach. The only redeeming place is the country bar/club near the power plant area, forgot what it's called. Norfolk has Old Dominion University, your run of the mill college. Mediocre downtown nightlife, but Miami has spoiled me. Great place to buy rental property. Huge naval presence, ensuring a constant stream of tenants. The Chrysler Museum of Art is pretty sweet, and they have constant events there. There's also a few cool art galleries scattered throught Norfolk. There's also a naval museum with a battleship you can go aboard to remind yourself why the Navy wasn't for you. Virginia Beach is the best IMO. There's almost always some kind of event going on, and you can surf all year round. If you buy a house there, the commute will suck, but if you keep it as a rental you will always have the option of returning to the area. Great bars, clubs, and places to eat out there. The whole area is heavily infested populated with the Navy, so being an Airman is sort of a oddity. Get used to people assuming you're in the Navy. PM me if you want more details.
  24. I hated WoWS. That movie wasn't about trading, it was about a boiler room under the facade of an investment firm. When you say diversification I hope you mean diversification in a true sense beyond the investment vehicle of securities. Not sure if we're on the same page here, but Warren Buffet's approach works only for Warren Buffet. He has the capital to buy in enough influence into a company and make profitable tweaks to operatons. Marcus Lemonis does the same thing except with private businesses. My money isn't going to any officer to be managed, I manage my own portfolio, so your pet peeve does not apply in this case. Lastly, reccommending a book and calling the ONLY ONE BOOK/APPROACH that you should read/follow is not very good advice.
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