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dream big

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Everything posted by dream big

  1. No we haven’t moved to socialism, yet. That’s what we are trying to prevent. Let’s not pretend the two clowns sitting in the White House don’t have said ambitions (okay one probably doesn’t but he’s too stupid to realize his handlers pushing him that direction until he serves his purpose.) Let’s not pretend that the “Squad” and their wonderful entourage don’t espouse said views with a significant amount of youth popularity. How many young ignorant Bernie supporters were there? So yes, we will continue to call the fringe left out on their BS. This country is too precious for social experimentation with a poli-economic system that has killed thousands of people. They only need to succeed once, there is no saving our country after that.
  2. On the surface I agree with your notion that we need to move past Trump in order to regain credibility as a party let alone defeat whichever lunatic the Dems put up (probably Kamala). While there are many nut jobs on the right, we have to ask “why” said old people cling to Trump. Maybe it’s because he was one of the only politicians that connected with boring, maybe rural, everyday Americans? Many of these hard right folk are decent Americans that just want to be left alone and have someone that will fight for them. Whoever the Republican nominee is, must be able to connect with these everyday normal Americans. They aren’t going away.
  3. He’s not wrong you know- but more strategically danger alludes to the fact that young kids today care more about woke crap than actual science and the advancement of technology and man kind, the things you and I probably cared about growing up.
  4. Absolutely..Died to BAF runs are still happening in the MAF. Dude we are still going into Somalia every couple weeks even though “we pulled out” post Trump tweet. The military industrial complex will never let us leave those shitholes.
  5. https://dailycaller.com/2021/07/08/mark-green-critical-race-theory-air-force-academy-mark-milley/ Hopefully this isn’t just a PR stunt and they mean business. The Air Force’s Marxist and racist teachings have congressional visibility and not in a good way. Enough of this racist and hypocritical nonsense!!
  6. I was at KAF from Feb 13 to Aug 13..I can attest to everything you said. Unfortunately said shitty training cost us 4 lives, amongst many others. Like others have alluded to..for what? Good riddance, fuck that place.
  7. “CRT has no place in our public schools” “The radical conservative agenda has no place in our public schools” Both statements can be simultaneously true you know.
  8. You very well could be right, maybe this is a big nothing burger that passes as the flavor of the year. I wouldn’t want to take that chance though. Our military and this country are too important for freedom to risk it with social experimentation. So, if CRT is common place in the military (Lt Col Lohmeier’s accounts lead us to believe it is), then it should be stomped out immediately.
  9. Crenshaw has teamed up with him as well. While it is surely political posturing by Cotton, it is a nice display of checks and balances. CRT has no place in our military. Basic treating all people with respect might do.
  10. True to the time window, but if you are a good dude and are willing to learn, your leadership will get you there. 96.69% of getting to the WIC is passing the bro check. I know many FAIPs who are now patches. They were all humble and held their own.
  11. I’m being 100% serious, I’d be curious to see the demographics of the 5 APZ Ps v you 3 APZ DPs. Wouldn’t surprise me in our current environment.
  12. Yeah BS, we have 40+ copilots and less than 5 Instructors. I wouldn’t expect a nonner bean counter at AFPC to know the difference though.
  13. Still, doesn’t matter. It’s common etiquette for leadership to notify non selects, usually via 1-on-1 meeting, another failure of basic leadership in 14N Guy’s world.
  14. Typically non-selects, it would suck to hear about not being promoted after your peers who do find out, or to find out when the list comes out. Sometimes the Air Force has a heart.. Sorry to those of you who didn’t make it. You just never know what the current crop of 0-6/0-7s grading your record care about nor what the board as a whole is asked to place emphasis in. It’s the largest smoke and mirrors game. A mentor told me that a few years ago, they valued combat time above all else, then a couple years later they valued special programs/exec work above all else. I know it stings, but your rank doesn’t define you. Your lack of promotion was not a reflection of you, but how a handful of 0-6/0-7s perceived your records. The dudes I respected the most as an LT were often passed over majors. They didn’t have to play the game, they just excelled at their primary duty and spent their time at work smiling and happy, instead of playing the game.
  15. You must work pretty deep in the JCS to predict what the construct of the next war will look like? What are the odds of us seeing a B-2 employ a nuke in our lifetime? Does that mean that B-2 dudes don’t train for the worst case, high end fight nor ensure they have the best equipment to deliver that effect? To other posters talking about the current ops tempo, I got it - but I’m tired of that being an excuse. What we do in CENTCOM and other commandant commands as MAF dudes is not hard, at all. You have got to be an average aircraft commander at best to succeed in most operational missions currently. Don’t tell me there isn’t time back home during the workday to get a little smarter on near peer threats or attempt to be more tactically oriented. Maybe less Christmas party/CGOC planning and more time in the vault might help. Circling back to the MAF JFR/GRF construct passingtime69 aludes to: it was option B to invade Iraq in 2003, it was almost used in Haiti with 130s/17s enroute with 82nd troopers on board until they were recalled. Unlikely? Probably, but not out of the realm of possibility if we decide to kick the doors down of a country.
  16. It’s not just fighter guys, it’s the rest of the Air Force flying community that understands MAF is a laughing stock because of attitudes exhibited in your post. Look, no offense, I’m sure you’re a great dude and pilot but we will never advance as a community if we don’t be honest brokers and push back against some of the queep in place of real training and readiness. If you are nearing retirement, I can understand it is not your battle anymore and thanks for your service. To the young guys, it’s not okay to just be box checkers, build airline hours and roll over and say “well nothing I can do about it.” What are you doing within your shop, organization, unit etc to make us more effective as a MAF and by extension the shooters more lethal?
  17. Haha, the Army in AFRICOM saw the SECDEF waiver for DIPS and just said F it, crisis response? = no DIPS needed. The AOC played along. Idiots.
  18. Valid question, for 130s absolutely. Not saying you need to be a patch to foster valid training but generally a couple motivated WOs who seek out the training, users, range times etc can really make a difference. The problem, and my beef is with AMC as a whole. AMC preaches agile combat employment and full spectrum readiness yet still maintains their risk averse construct. ACE will never be successful if the AMC 0-6s / GOs (AOC airlift directors) don’t delegate that authority. I can make my copilots as ready as possible for LFE type scenarios or ACE, but I can’t tell the 0-6 to delegate his approval to someone lower. Also, doesn’t help when we have toxic senior IPs who scoff the WIC, or anything more challenging that a 1-1-1. Separate but related, actually fund datalink upgrades. The J model (not 8.1) is operating on 90s technology and doesn’t work half the time, in training. No way it works when we need it. Finally, 130s generally do red flag / WSINT and we get a lot out of them..but MG was a solution to an airlift specific LFE where the DLOs are specific to MAF.
  19. I had the “pleasure” of working in the MPC for the inaugural one in TCM, the one where the only VUL with actual blue air escort / SEAD planned, the MAF planners told them the wrong takeoff time so there was no CAF blue air. This was after the A3 (now the sitting AMC/CV) rightfully chastised all the 130 and 17 flight leads for flying through multiple briefed threats for the “JFE”. Then I heard datalink was a complete disaster in 2019. Similar shenanigans this year?
  20. This POS and his cohorts will have blood on their hands when we get our asses kicked by the Russians or Chinese. But by god at least we don’t have mean tweets anymore!
  21. I never said what Lohmeier did was sound, nor that he shouldn’t be held liable for the consequences ; although I feel that he was willing to fall on his sword for this one. I did say he is 100% correct that Marxist ideology is a threat to the military and that critical race theory is a bunch of BS. I do think Biden hiring a partisan hack to spy on military members social media accounts is a step too far and has a high likelihood of going south.
  22. Yet my former squadron commander can send out Trump bashing articles to their squadron for “mentorship”..with zero consequences. Edit: This was while Trump was still POTUS.
  23. That’s quite the slippery slope. Yes we fall under a different set of rules but let’s not pretend the current administration isn’t actively rooting out members of a particular political leaning in the name of “extremism.” Of course we aren’t talking about Black Lives Matter or Antifa, both of which have representation in our ranks and have done more to destroy society than a few idiots with confederate flags. “Rooting our extremism” is largely hypocritical and not without political bias . Many individuals on this forum voted for Trump but I would bet none of them would come close to actively supporting an insurrection. Based on your logic, they could get rid of the article that bans flogging (93 I think?) and you could say “well you signed up for it!” Lt Col Lohmeier was 100% correct on Marxism in the military - hence why he was to be silenced. Watch your backs dudes, it will get worse, especially after Biden’s handlers decide it is finally time to step him aside for Harris.
  24. We all know what they are defined as.. go woke or go broke
  25. The same could be said about many career fields..
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