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dream big

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Everything posted by dream big

  1. The intent is that they’ll make up for the lost training at the FTUs. Can’t speak for the fighter side but on the MAF guys, the FTUs are running at max capacity and min manning. They will definitely not get their lost UPT training at the FTUs. Then they’ll show up to the units and be our problem. They will continue to be burdened with nonner duties because commanders can’t seem to follow CSAF guidance. They’ll waste time on being equipment custodian, security manager, Christmas party planner, unit piss test POC or whatever. They’ll have no one to set them straight and teach them how to be pilots because all of our experience is running for the airlines, if they aren’t shackled up at the wing exec or DS office. We are so f*c&ed.
  2. None at this nook of the circus. See how much of a clown show the 09 board was? Expect similar incompetency! Most likely your leadership will have you write them anyways awaiting further guidance.
  3. At least not as worthless as base SAPR coordinator (actual full time position)
  4. Congrats man! I have a feeling you’ll be missed (in your real life squadron.)
  5. AMC is probably the most queep infested command right now. Our generals and aspiring generals wouldn’t know what a cockpit looked like anymore despite having pilot wings on their chest.
  6. Guys are starting to get notified (of being selected). Not a peep from my wing but then again they must notify the non selects first.
  7. The Donald may be on the verge of one of the biggest peace breakthroughs in recent history and people are getting wrapped around the axel regarding Trump (returning) a salute to a NK General. We really are in trouble. People focus more on optics than the actual issue. (For the record I thought it was stupid regarding people getting spun up about Obama bowing.) Plenty of material to criticize any President on, this is not one of them.
  8. I’ll try to be serious: formation low level to an airdrop! Airdrop is actually the mission while formation / low level is a tactic but it’s still the most fun thing I do in my airplane - followed by tac approaches.
  9. Could be a rolling ETIC. What a clown show.
  10. Awful idea. Instead of fostering a culture where people are excited to come and do one of the best jobs in the world - the Air Force should trap people in so they can’t leave?
  11. Well then hopefully the PIT IPs do their job and wash them out. If they make it through PIT, then hopefully they are trainable.
  12. To be fair, sometimes when you go off to an attached job your boss micromanages your flying schedule and shits on you when you’re gone. Then yes, sometimes some pilots hate flying- detracts from building their CGOQ package.
  13. There comes a time in any organization where people start to get salty. When I showed up it was about the time someone was a mid level major. Now, it’s freaking LTs in UPT. That’s a problem guys.
  14. My favorite are the CGOC bakesale, “mentoring session,” or circle jerk session sent by the CGOC President..who also happens to be a finance LT, no wonder our finance shop is a mess/ never open/ takes 2 months to process vouchers.
  15. So if senior raters get the list tomorrow is it common for them to notify folks?
  16. They can’t do that, where will they find all the FGOs to fill 365 taskers for Chief of PowerPoint?
  17. He’s at the academy, he’s not banging any “hot chicks”..
  18. We are almost getting to the point where the 09 guys will have to re-write PRFs for the December board since they haven’t been selected for promotion yet...AGAIN! Some transparency would be nice, I mean if they hope to retain anyone.
  19. Congress f&&king over the Air Force? Say it isn’t so. Edit: Don’t we have a guardsman on here who also happens to work at the capitol building? Man, what a great way to right a wrong and build an immense amount of respect from his fellow Airmen. Just saying!
  20. Honestly I think this Russian collusion/conspiracy thing has been beat to death, on both sides. It has been one of the biggest distractions from the real issues thanks to politics from both sides. The public has neither the patience nor interest anymore, unless you can’t go a day without posting on Facebook how evil Trump is. Also, the more people try to perpetuate distractions such as Stormy Daniels (good lord who the f cares?) or Russia they are just guaranteeing Trump’s re-election. Honestly, at this point, thank god.
  21. Good for him! Although It probably helped that he spent the last 3 years mastering the T-38, while his IFF classmates had just finished UPT. Regardless, it shows that MAF to CAF can be successful. Hopefully he continues to excel in the B course.
  22. Idk about AETC but almost 100% of our waivers in AMC bypass the NAF and go directly to the AMC A staff. The only thing I’ve seen the NAF do is get rid of toxic Wing Kings
  23. They have their uses overseas. Think PACAF; you have a NAF for Air Forces Japan, Alaska, Hawaii etc. It makes sense for different sub-AORs. However, I think you could absolutely get rid of 18th AF in AMC for example. Now, would it be weird for Wing Commanders to report directly to a 4 Star MAJCOM/CC? Not sure.
  24. I’m for it, no more middle man. No more “I’ve got 8 bosses bob.” No more scrambling to get slides ready for the OG meeting only to brief the same god damn info at the Wing meeting. Hopefully, no more OG to MXG/CC fighting on a Friday afternoon while the schedulers are sitting around wondering what schedule to execute.
  25. This is a fact. He would also personally sit in on cert boards and lecture upgrade candidates for an hour while the OG and SQ/CCs sat on their thumbs ackwardly.
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