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dream big

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Everything posted by dream big

  1. It used to be, then the PC culture took over the Academy.
  2. Shack! Also, it’s a combination of these things that’s driving people out. 0-6 walked into our deployed squadron today and brought the mustache hammer. My buddy insists that at least 3 people made the decision to punch after that (hint: it’s not about moustaches, it’s the fact that you as an 0-6 seem to care more about that than combat missions.)
  3. Horrible,horrible idea. This isn’t to discount civilian training but the fundemental military aviation skills garnered in phase 2 is critical to basic airmenship in a dynamic environment. This applies whether you’re flying low levels in hercs or orbits in an AWACS. These kinds of initiatives are going to get people killed; we don’t have the luxury of taking shortcuts in this business. Just my 2 cents..
  4. Would you expect anything less from the morons on the staff? If we were a civilian company we would have been bankrupt a decade ago.
  5. God I can’t believe this is a serious idea. As it is, I’ve been flabbergasted with some of the products coming out of UPT lately..HS grad to F-35 wingman in a year? YGTBFSM! I am legitimately concerned about our lethality as an Air Force in modern conflicts given all the other issues. How many mishaps have we had in the last few years where the pilot’s basic proficiency was a factor? I’m tired of losing bros because the Air Force is inept at training and equipping it’s pilots properly. Also, isn’t the whole pilot shortage issue on the retention side? I understand there is also a bottle neck on the production side/B-course leading into fighter FTUs but what is all this talk really going to solve?
  6. Uh huh, all the way until they give big blue the middle finger and laugh on their way to the bank at Delta/Southwest or any other private sector job. Treat your employees like pawns long enough and they’ll walk. You are right about the politics of Okinawa though, but the US military loses everything here. The government of Japan knows the military leadership will bow over backwards to appease them as indicated time and time again while shitting on their own. It’s only a matter of time before that can be exploited.
  7. Exactly. I spent 5 years there and love the Japanese people; but was always flabbergasted at how much we bent over backwards, many times at the cost of combat effectiveness, to “appease” the Japanese. I mean, Yokota’s biggest priority every year was the stupid static display festival. You want to know how many man hours that consumed?? In no way I am I implying that we shouldn’t be good ambassadors and respect the Japanese but at the end of the day, they lost the war they started and they would be target practice if it weren’t for American presence there.
  8. In before JQP gets to it: the entire US military in Japan is now banned from purchasing or consuming alcohol on or off base UFN after a DUI accident in Okinawa. This even extends to people’s residences (I would love for these cowardly “leaders” to enforce this one.) EDIT: Here is a link to an article. https://www.stripes.com/news/pacific/japan-based-servicemembers-slapped-with-alcohol-ban-after-fatal-crash-on-okinawa-1.498605
  9. Toss it. Stick to the AIM. Don’t want us to takeoff using see-and-avoid? Publish an FCIF. Also, if you are going to have so many pubs, then update them. 202 updates (and changes significantly) every 2 years while our subordinate pub, the 11-2xv3, is from 2009.
  10. We haven’t heard from any A-320, 737, 757, 767, 777 guys on here at all...some input on your “mission” and QOL would be appreciated!
  11. Because as much as some leadership preach about 360 degree feedback, none of it exists in the USAF. You are promoted purely on how well your OPRs and PRFs are written in the eyes of those above you who were successful in that same process. Heck, even with the 100% to Major our Wing King still made everyone go through the PRF process; that’s how much they value paperwork. So, in essence, you can be a class A D-bag and still get promoted really far.
  12. Just got mine in Texas. I try to carry everywhere- yet there are many places where it is not allowed despite my county’s “open carry” policy. Of course, these very places are crowded/vulnerable where a mass shooting would likely occur (a church for example.) Witnesses are saying the shooter was ultimately stopped by a citizen with a rifle. Still trying to find whether that is true.
  13. I had a similar situation at an oversees location trying to PCS in a few days while MPF was refusing to do my final out (I would have been current through a 4 month TDY enroute plus ~20 days after RNLTD.) I pleaded and convinced them I would do my PT test at my TDY location. They agreed to sign the paperwork and I was on my way. When I got to the TDY location I conveniently forgot about the PT test and just took it at my new base. No questions asked.
  14. There is no question we would destroy NK, but South Korea would be decimated (at least everything north of Osan) when the North Koreans push south of the DMZ
  15. But will anyone have the balls to say that your most experienced WO/EP late Capt/junior Maj pilots should not be serving exec sentences when they are most valuable in the squadron teaching the young guys? A 2LT from MPF could function as the exec (and do a much better job..)
  16. No real stories...but sometimes individuals tend to suck at aviation. That’s okay, not everyone can be Chuck Yeager. However, one has to question when said individual spends 99% of their time volunteering at high visibility “diversity events,” instead of doing their job as a pilot. Said individual (3 different aircraft and didn’t make it to instructor in any aircraft) gets promoted and awarded despite multiple safety of flight incidents and busted checkrides while individuals who hacked the mission and were solid instructors were casted aside because they didn’t play Big Blue’s game. Nothing new here.
  17. Because most politicians and interest groups don’t give a rats a$$ about us. We don’t bring them that many votes.
  18. Hahaha, oh god, never met a more dangerous pilot. Fair enough, you got me there. Never said it was right to pawn off problem children to other communities, but not so sure what else to do with them. I wish they would just stop promoting mediocrity like in your example.
  19. I don’t think this is the case with C-130s; maybe in today’s permissive environment. However, when you’re talking about flying a low level ingress to an airdrop with radar threats you can’t be a tard and get the mission done. While those that get pushed don’t have to be “great” in the jet; the one thing this community has done well is weeding out those who suck, maybe other AMC communities have a different experience.
  20. Along the same lines, I don’t know what AMC’s obsession is with mis-matching leadership from different communities. For instance, 3/4 active duty C-130 wing commanders come from other communities. They, just like you mentioned, have rose up the “Phoenix horizon”/general’s aid track actively avoiding the ops community. I am skeptical about a C-130 dude leading a tanker wing and vice versa. Correct me if I’m wrong but the CAF doesn’t usually do this right? F-16 Wing Kings are predominantly 16 dudes, F-15 Wing Kings predominantly 15 dudes. I feel that the CAF values depth, while AMC values breadth - and that is where why we are struggling as a community.
  21. This only stops when ACs have the backbone to say "no." I did say no ;)
  22. Or when home station coordinates with AMD behind your back to extend duty day to 18 hours so you can bring a tail back home a day earlier for the purposes of an Air show.
  23. Same thing happened to us circa 2011; no fighters because B-course is backed up. Glad to know we learn from our mistakes...
  24. No one on this side ever argued that standing for the anthem makes you a patriot, much like me shaking your hand when you offer a handshake doesn’t necessarily make me a nice person; but were I to swat it away then I’d be kind of a douche.
  25. I misspoke, I shouldn’t have said “a lot of blacks are oppressed.” I don’t think there is a single law in America that gives Black people a disadvantage. All in all I really think we are one of the most accepting countries having been around a few. What I meant to convey is that there is some racism (as there is anywhere in the world) and a lot black folks from a young age tend to come from disadvantaged background compared to other races - and were the NFL players actually concerned about this, there are many other venues to go out and fix this instead of kneeling like a bunch of cry babies.
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