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dream big

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Everything posted by dream big

  1. You can be my wingperson any day
  2. Funny enough they look at OPRs for interviews...although I'm pretty sure it's to make sure there are no negative indicators
  3. Doubt it, most based I've been to are run by shoe clerks. The shoe clerks chirp and the wing/cc listens. Ops is secondary. We are just a bunch of whiny zipper suited sun gods. That's what's wrong with the Air Force. Although I just PCSd to an unnamed heavily tasked base in Mid-America and I'm surprised at how mission focused they are.
  4. The only strats/awards I've gotten are pilot/IP. Those mean more to me than any CGO strat/award fruitified by volunteering at the CGOC bullets.
  5. Any reason we only strat the top 15% on OPRs? Is the #16/100 CGOs in a pool really unworthy of being a senior leader in the AF?
  6. Last two wing commanders at a previous AMC base had about as much hours as a low time Capt IP. They were both basic mission qual'd (did not maintain mission/tac qual)
  7. I think both types of leadership skills are necessary to be a senior leader in this organization. The problem is, leading that LFE package and supervising 200 jokers are both full time jobs. Focus too much on one and the other takes the hit. This is why we get limited leadership opportunities as aviators.
  8. I wish you could teach a lesson or two to a former SOS commander who was griping that bag wearers only care about tactics and don't really know how to lead. He's a 1-star now by the way
  9. My old OSS/CC would have loved that...when he got the job (he's a flyer) he told me point blank that it was the JV SQ/CC position to the flying squadron commander; and that was pretty much his off ramp to "tier II" colonel billets, whatever that meant. Pretty sure he's trying to bail for the airlines now.
  10. Exec, weapons school, Phoenix programs (AMC side,) auto stratifications in the top 5% regardless of job performance, new job every 4 months, very little actual flying to focus on career stuff.
  11. "Single pilot, with a remote capability, with multiple redundancies, would be the minimum they would consider initially. In my opinion at least." Yepp, still seeing zero cost savings here. You still have to pay for that pilot (potentially more because of Unions and the hardship of sitting on your ass by yourself for 14 hours from DFW to NRT), you still have to pay for that remote pilot on the ground, you still have to pay for the "redundancy" and not to mention the means to mitigate the retarded risk of single or remote piloted airlines. Not to mention, human error is still very much in the chain. Why are we still talking about this? I'm sure some socially awkward engineer type living in his parents' basement is having wet dreams about this, but let's be real here.
  12. Nailed it. A lot of this boils down to having a SQ commander who has some balls to tell the shoe clerks running the base: "NO"... No, we aren't using a line flying pilot to watch a piss test. No, we aren't participating in your g-$ morale run. And no, we aren't going to have half the squadron sit through LRS's worthless mobility line all day when we have lines to fly.
  13. If an Uber showed up to my house without a driver, I wouldn't get into it for free. You honestly think passengers would get into a pilot-less airline? Okay even single pilot, what happens when one of those crash with 300 souls on board? Why on earth would airlines accept that capital risk? I didn't say it will never happen, just that it's not happening in our lifetime.
  14. Not happening anytime soon. Where is the cost savings? You aren't getting rid of the pilot, they are just no longer in the cockpit. Single pilot, for airlines? Way too much liability, maybe for cargo. Look at what the airlines are investing in for the next 10-20 years, none of it is remote technology.
  15. "If there is a major conflict...." --> this right here is my biggest fear with all of the problems surrounding the AF.
  16. To be honest, most wing execs I know went kicking and screaming. I felt bad for them. Best advice I ever got : be good enough at your job that you get the mission done and bring your boys home safe, don't be too good that you start getting considered for HPO...I didn't know what HPO was at the time but I'm fairly convinced it's not a choice to many..
  17. Not saying racism doesn't happen, but as a minority I've found the military to be the most accepting sect of society. I've known many minority pilots in the AF and they are treated no different then non minorities. Women? Different story but I won't open that can of worms.
  18. My mentor will always be the crusty passed over (maybe) major/LTC still in the squadron, those types have provided me more mentorship then any "career" guy. PSA: real mentorship in a flying squadron happens in the squadron bar (not heritage room) on Fridays with the beer light on.
  19. Naw man, just group execs? Obviously they weren't tier one. Maybe if they were wing execs! Better yet, aide-de-camps. I mean that's what the Air Force values these days.
  20. All this AFPC MAF to CAF crossing streams hee-haw for 8 dudes?
  21. Are you retarded? You clearly know zero about tac airlift or anything for that matter. Go with quals, besides the NSA d*** measuring; or do us all a favor and STFU
  22. Our former Wing King at Yokota was always MR as an instructor. Made it a point to fly (many times with students) at least twice a month if not every week. He was the definition of leading from the front. He even went off station a few times. Needless to say, he understood the plight of maintenance and crew dogs. Of course he is an anomaly, never saw that again.
  23. Well that's a double zinger if there was one since it will also affect his airline app 4 years from now when he gets hit in the head with reality! .....Now of course it won't matter if he makes the fast track since aircraft performance in the AIR FORCE < box checking.
  24. Agreed, with one exception and the guy that comes to mind was phenomenal in the plane after he came to tankers and now is one his way up; most tanker guys that came to 130s were skilled careerists who could not fly the plane to save their lives. Likewise, my tanker bros want to punch me in the face after some of the "HPOs" we sent to tankers. Want a prime example of Phoenix debaucherry? Little Rock AFB under Rhat, tanker guy leading THE c-130 hub of the world. Good lord the toxicity that came under him was unprecedented. Now this is not to say it was because he was a tanker guy, it provides evidence of what kind of "guy" Phoenix types usually are. Yes, eliminate Phoenix. And stop making our weapons officers Wing execs. I don't think ACC does this at all?: making viper guys eagle guys or vice versa for career reasons? Seems the CAF values depth while AMC values breadth = not being proficient in your airplane..
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