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dream big

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Everything posted by dream big

  1. Animals, treat them like enemy combatants and deport the rest. Every single one of them. Come to this country legally like my parents.
  2. He’s pretty useless but I have a feeling our responsiveness, or lack thereof, is driven by higher echelons than OSD.
  3. UNRWA spoke at one of our academy political science conventions; I knew back then that they were a bunch of terrorist sympathizing lunatics.
  4. Not sure America can handle another Trump v Biden spit fest (case in point this thread, which I really enjoy but just shows how everyone is just stuck in their echo chambers)..2020 was horrible enough, and here we go again. However, as alluded to, America brought this on itself.
  5. I can’t top this sage advice, but I’ll add try your best to stay in shape and eat right. Mentally enduring pilot training involves your physical health. Even if it’s knocking out some push-ups in the morning or end of the day, you have to stay active. That helped me tremendously. Pick one day a week (recommend Saturday) where you unplug and go do something fun with your classmates. I know there aren’t much options in Enid Del Rio and Columbus but we used to just grill out on someone’s patio and drink. That will reset you for the week. I 100% acknowledge this contradicts my first paragraph but sitting around with some beers and quizzing each other always made it more enjoyable. God I miss those days, life was simple!!!
  6. All while the SecDef is in the hospital with cancer and the CINC is senile and border line brain dead. Who is running the military?
  7. My bet is Kathleen Hicks steps up, she checks the right boxes (female), is equally useless enough, and will probably get them through the election cycle with minimal Tom Cotton and company scrutiny. The OSD-P hacks run the DoD anyways.
  8. They could have been a critical ally; but a lot of bad blood with the US, going back to the 70s where we sent the 7th fleet to India’s Eastern Shores threatening to invade them if they develop nuclear weapons while we didn’t care less that Pakistan, the most radical terrorist infested country in the world, was doing the same. Then after 9/11, we cozied up to the same radical infested country with Pakistan. Lo and behold, the 9/11 mastermind was being harbored by Pakistan. India is the largest democracy in the world with a populace that is generally pro western and well aligned with US views against radical Islamic terrorism. Engagements, exercises = yes, arms sales = no.
  9. Pressure from your OG/CC, sometimes even Wing/CC. The BPZ types were the most notorious for dishing out Q3s…got to hold the line and can’t take any risks on your way up. Caveat: AMC only, can’t speak to other communities.
  10. Soon to be Brig Gen…enough said
  11. What problem are they trying to fix? We don’t have enough MAJCOMs IMHO, C2 and big ISR should be in its own MAJCOM. Get rid of NAFs and Groups instead.
  12. Oh right because the support services on base are supportive of Aircrew schedules! Can’t count the number of times I’ve landed in RODN for example late in the evening only for every eating establishment to include the shoppete to be closed; or better yet, deployed ops, land and chow hall is closed. Heck I’ve had to haggle with AMOPS to keep the runways open for our HHQ missions. It’s an Air Force run by nonners for nonners.
  13. Sounds fun! Not seeing the problem here
  14. I’ve seen some real dipshits work as “shirts” these days, just underneath a toxic lazy SEL. I used to respect the hell out of Command Teams SNCOs.
  15. And that’s why the Air Force is so jacked up. Thankfully BPZ is no more.
  16. Spend months planning the next “fly like a girl” public affairs stunt instead of actually contributing to the effectiveness of the unit These vignettes could go on forever; it would be funny if they weren’t so accurate and indicative of the sad state of affairs of our military.
  17. Biff, you truly did serve in another era!!
  18. Why are they so mad? Big guy is forging paths to give massive amounts of aid to Gaza, much of which will end up in the hands of their beloved Hamas. Shouldn’t they be celebrating that?
  19. Exactly, zero sympathy, cry me a fucking river! Maybe more time doing legislative work instead of grandstanding for whatever dumb hot social media issue. Both parties are guilty. Back to the intent of the founding father’s intent - working in congress should truly be an “additional duty” and act of service along side your normal career. No more toxic career politicians like Diane Fiensteine.
  20. If he was black or female he would probably be safe. He looks too privileged to not come out of this with some scratches.
  21. Of all the women in the world, an enlisted chick is really that worth it?
  22. I’ll never for the life of me understand the intersectionality between the LGBTQ movement and radical Islam. More proof that leftists are brainwashed and incapable of critical thought.
  23. Most forces headed to eastern med are going there to support NEO. That is if DOS ever gets its heads out of their incompetent arses and enable DOD to do their job.
  24. Just make sure you have a good lawyer! Your state doesn’t believe in your inherent right to self defense. Edit: nor stand your ground laws
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