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dream big

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Everything posted by dream big

  1. Every candidate at his level has and will push whatever flavor the current administration touts (right now: woke); so all else equal, I’d rather have a relatively apolitical and quiet Air Force fighter pilot at the helm that will advocate for air power than another indecisive and incompetent Mark Milley.
  2. Pfeizer and Moderna came short on their 3rd quarter revenue report it seems.
  3. 100%, it’s also a classic bait and switch tactic for the left. Speak out against it and you’re obviously a xenophobic anti immigration MAGA bigot!
  4. Show up at the right place and on time everyday, show up with a good attitude, be humble and learn from your mistakes. If you do that you are 90% there. Study, ask questions, strive to be the best at whatever job you’ve been given. If that means making sure the coffee and popcorn are fresh, so be it. Help your peers, put them before yourself. Chances are you’ll be working with them 10-15 years down the road. Finally, enjoy the lack of responsibility and being a young wingman or copilot. Bring an LT was simpler times and I’d kill to go do it again!
  5. Hopefully not for long, hopefully for only 18 more months! That aside, the rot, corruption, and incompetence in our federal government transcends political parties.
  6. I know your frustration, overmanned FPs while trying to learn the mission and flying once in a blue moon is frustrating. Hang in there, everything in the Air Force ebbs and flows. I too was in an overmanned FP squadron flying 2.69 hours a month… then two years later I got 400+ hours a year. However, your comments about “pretending to be tactical” are concerning. You must have shitty IP/FGO leadership if you do not understand the value of the herk in the next fight. PM me and I would be happy to discuss more on a different forum if you would like.
  7. Everyone calm down, those mobilized will mostly be performing staff augmentation at Ramstein and other HQs drinking Hefeweizen. This should have happened over a year ago but sorry, pronouns and ponytails were of higher importance!
  8. Voluntary activation for Atlantic Resolve, 3000 troops, this should have happened over a year ago if this Defense Department and administration wasn’t so inept. It’s no more escalatory than the thousands of troops we have deployed to Europe already; not to mention AEW, 5th gen fighter squadrons and Carriers. These dudes are mostly going to be doing staff augmentation in Germany and drinking Hefeweizen. My problem with this whole U.S. support to the Ukrainian conflict is we are neither in nor out. We are giving them billions of dollars worth of munitions and equipment and basically saying “Good luck! Here is a HE round, let us know what else you need!?” We are training them on the periphery but really only their SOF forces. We lack a strategy or end state on this largely frozen conflict. There are multiple things this administration could do that aren’t escalatory and that would put pressure on Russia, and further help the Ukrainians, if the people leading this country weren’t a bunch of giant pussies. We could also be working a peace deal, but some people seem intent to prolong this conflict.
  9. The Air Force doesn’t really have a pilot shortage, it has a rated staff shortage…as well as a rated 0-6s qualified for Gp and Wing/CC shortage. Once one connects those dots then everything else, to include your statistics, makes sense.
  10. I’m sure @General Chang has some thoughts?
  11. And wear two masks, when you’re alone in your car, just in case!
  12. What’s with all the Chang hate? You all know he is trolling right?
  13. Mostly peaceful! Haha sounds like the writer covering the riots 3 years ago in America still has a job.
  14. I say we break out the Hunter Biden story to its own thread. As much as I’d like to see that scum answer for his misdoings, I’m much more interested in the usual banter and who is currently challenging Sleepy!
  15. 24/7 ops in a certain COCOM staff that’s been at it for 1.69 years is over and I’m down with that!
  16. Meh, just another weekend in Europe.
  17. I wonder how much of that is engrained in their culture “Every Marine is a rifleman”; not to mention all officers go through the basic infantry school. I’m not advocating that non rated go through pilot training but there has got to be some middle ground. More ops focused Wing Kings that drive all groups towards common operational objectives would be a start.
  18. Let’s not forget these people still exist and are active members of society; and will espouse similar if not worse sentiment during the next manufactured crisis. Vote accordingly, they sure will.
  19. Not to overlook the injustices here…but why would a retiree retire in..Turkey?
  20. Non partisan apolitical military, unless the left is in charge and you’re touting their narratives. Brandon probably pooped himself in joy watching his generals push his agenda.
  21. I know we cover plenty of examples of toxic Air Force leadership on these boards…however those pale into comparison to the toxicity of Army GOs. Said toxicity is widely accepted in the Army - in a system that openly rewards people for BF their peers and stepping on their people to make it to the top ranks. If you’ve ever (unfortunately) worked a Joint Assignment…you know.
  22. Now you get to do finance’s job for them virtually instead of in person! Gives back more time for some 19 year old with a single digit ASVAB score to catch up on the latest rendition of TikTok videos.
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