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DirkDiggler last won the day on September 19 2024

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  1. Interesting article. The Russia-Ukraine War: It Takes a Land Force to Defeat a Land Force
  2. You're thinking of a different Liquid. He doesn't come onto the BO forums anymore.
  3. Glad to see that most, if not all survived.
  4. Glad they got out, that thing came down fast.
  5. Little long but hilarious for anyone that's had to do Cyber or Security training.
  6. The SMPs are worthless pieces of shit. It's actually kinda shocking how badly that program has come along/matured but we're still stuck with it. About ~6 months before I retired the company that builds them sent a roadshow to all the MC Sqs to address all the concerns/issues everyone was having. Their basic pitch (I wasn't personally there, was deployed) amounted to "turn them on in this order, we know they don't work correctly right now, there's nothing we can do about it, but trust us when we say they'll work great in CR2". Embarrassing.
  7. Unfortunately this problem isn't limited to just AMC, it's infected other MAJCOMs as well.
  8. The AF, in their infinite wisdom, split the contract to maintain the T-6 in two, one for actual MX on the jets and one for the parts sustainment/sourcing. Once the health of the fleet started to decline, it didn't take long for the two companies involved to point the finger at each other when they couldn't make their contract metrics. As LookieRookie mentioned above, the fleet has a pretty serious DMS problem (which is kinda wild given that the aircraft themselves just aren't that old) that is having a huge impact on tail availability. My buddy at 5/8 told me all the UPT bases are suffering, but CBM is in the wort shape. They have about 90 something T-6s and on any given day only a third are flyable.
  9. The problem right now (and the one AETC 5/8 is trying to work around) is that the T-6 portion of UPT is fucked/is the bottleneck right now. The T-6 fleet is in bad shape, it's getting worse, and there's no easy or expeditious way to fix it. The T-38 is well past any reasonable service life, and the T-7 is obviously delayed. This IPT concept is the latest attempt to get to the 1500 pilots/year production goal that the AF can never achieve. Believe it or not but the money issue for IPT was actually one of the smaller issues getting the program started.
  10. I really enjoy shooting my Ruger 5.7mm PC Carbine. Just a really fun gun at the range. I don't like my Ruger 5.7mm pistol (both were impulse buys so I have no regrets, as M2 said above I've got several guns in my collections that I bought and was not impressed with for various reasons). I don't use either of them for home defense. My buddy has the same Ruger PC Carbine chambered in 9mm, it got a tad more recoil but he pays about 50% less than I do per round so if cheap plinking is what you're looking for the 5.7mm probably isn't it.
  11. Tab 2 - Jan 25 CSAF Update to DAFI36-2903.pdf I usually try to give people correcting uniform wear the benefit of the doubt since it aggravates me when I see people who look like a bag of ass in uniform. That being said, I didn’t think I’d ever see the CSAF pushing official guidance on gig lines. We really must have all the big problems in this organization figured out if this is what the top dogs are focusing on…..
  12. Yeah I don’t think that’ll buff out. Glad the pilot punched!
  13. #4 on the flyover gave me a chuckle. Even one of the civilians at my local asked, “why is that one plane so far from the others?”
  14. I think I saw on LinkedIn a couple weeks back that he was taking a job at HTeaO so I think he may be retiring. Not 100% sure though.
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