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DirkDiggler last won the day on September 19 2024

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  1. I really enjoy shooting my Ruger 5.7mm PC Carbine. Just a really fun gun at the range. I don't like my Ruger 5.7mm pistol (both were impulse buys so I have no regrets, as M2 said above I've got several guns in my collections that I bought and was not impressed with for various reasons). I don't use either of them for home defense. My buddy has the same Ruger PC Carbine chambered in 9mm, it got a tad more recoil but he pays about 50% less than I do per round so if cheap plinking is what you're looking for the 5.7mm probably isn't it.
  2. Tab 2 - Jan 25 CSAF Update to DAFI36-2903.pdf I usually try to give people correcting uniform wear the benefit of the doubt since it aggravates me when I see people who look like a bag of ass in uniform. That being said, I didn’t think I’d ever see the CSAF pushing official guidance on gig lines. We really must have all the big problems in this organization figured out if this is what the top dogs are focusing on…..
  3. Yeah I don’t think that’ll buff out. Glad the pilot punched!
  4. #4 on the flyover gave me a chuckle. Even one of the civilians at my local asked, “why is that one plane so far from the others?”
  5. I think I saw on LinkedIn a couple weeks back that he was taking a job at HTeaO so I think he may be retiring. Not 100% sure though.
  6. The 193rd in PA with MC-130Js and the HC-130J Guard/Reserve units in Long Island/Patrick/Moffit/Alaska (probably one I'm missing) still have CSOs; might be an option for you if the UPT thing doesn't work out.
  7. So what do you do with the remaining 33.8 seconds?
  8. @Shaft34 I hope you guys are staying as safe as possible given the horrific conditions out there in CA. Also hope you guys are able to start rolling those fires back soon.
  9. We currently have 1 guy I know of in the MC-J pipeline that requested to be transferred. Seems like a really good dude; I haven't asked him his reasons for transferring. Last year before I retired there were rumors that AFSOC was about to send a whole lot of CV guys to MC-Js due to all the previously mentioned thrash and AFSOC parking a good chunk of the fleet at CVS; I haven't seen that reflected in the guys coming the pipeline yet. FWIW, my posts weren't meant to scare you off CV-22s if that's really the airframe and mission set you're most interested in. I have several CV buddies and all of them loved flying the aircraft. AFSOC is a phenomenal place to be in the AF. It's just that right now (and honestly for the foreseeable future) the CV-22 program has a lot of issues that don't seem to have any quick fixes. Their MX rates are atrocious (if you ever go to an AFSOC Wing Standup and watch the CV-22 MX officer brief the status of the fleet you'll understand) and the last 2-3 years it seemed like AFSOC was looking for a replacement (which won't come anytime soon, not sure how Connely being at the helm will affect this). Just data points for you to consider. Best of luck in whatever path you choose.
  10. We currently have 2 former CV-22 students in the MC-J pipeline; they got non-vol’d to us after last years stand down. Poor guys went all the way through New River and most of the way through the ABQ CV-22 sim before they were swapped. Tough time to be an Osprey guy right now.
  11. Ha! One of my favorites. In my EWO days was on a TDY up to Bodo, Norway. Was Blue Air for a big LFE they had that week. We manage to get in and hit our airdrop without getting shot (lots of fjords and rocks to hide in, and our screen was able to keep Red off us for the first 15-20 minutes). As we're egressing, one of the Red Air guys regens, and proceeds to just blast straight after us. My aft jammer was tits up but like I said, lots of terrain to hide in, the front jammer was working, and there was solid overcast layer above so I felt like we had a chance. There were two Blue guys fairly close to me, I'm yelling that I'm spiked (Bitch give me some help!) but they were busy with another regen. Anywho start to notch the guy, GCI is giving me good callouts, I figure he's just gonna fly overhead cause of the overcast layer/mountains all around and then get shot by Blue. All of the sudden my LM calls "Hey I think I see....Holy Shit!!!" followed quickly by Pilot saying "Jesus Christ" and then "Fox 2 on Talon". Guy came right through the overcast, shot us, flew underneath us, then lights the burner and rockets right back up through the cloud deck. My pilot looks back at me and asks WTF was that. All I had was "Aaahh, yeah, they got us". In the debrief I asked the guy how he was able to get below the WX like that and he says he's been flying in the same patch of terrain for 20 years so he knew where all the high stuff was based on where the peaks were sticking up above the cloud deck. Can't notch that.
  12. Well done sir.
  13. This is a really bad idea, on every level.
  14. That guy is just taking a magical hot air balloon trip; the camera cropped out his ride.
  15. Great job by the pilot walking away from that, especially on a tail dragger.
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