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Everything posted by DirkDiggler

  1. I for one am glad that my tax dollars are directly contributing to Russians burning to death in exploding combat vehicles. Example above, St. Javelin doing work.
  2. Actually most of it centered on how much the requirements are severely limiting the pool of potential applicants (several people/retired guys said they’d happily move to XL if this was a GS-13 gig). And also how much the pay would suck. And they standard wheels coming off/dumpster fire/this will work as well as the dryers downrange type stuff.
  3. Just saw an advertisement for this on Facebook, the comments underneath were amusing to say the least.
  4. https://www.nationaldefensemagazine.org/articles/2022/6/15/ukraine-to-us-defense-industry-we-need-long-range-precision-weapons Good article/interview laying out the challenges the Ukrainian military faces regarding distance, fires, and logistics.
  5. Another Hind getting schwacked.
  6. Good video of some Russians getting blasted.
  7. He somehow hurt his back pretty badly and lost his ability to fly ejection seat aircraft; he didn’t wash out of the program for performance. I thought he’d actually flown the Eagle a couple times before it happened but could be wrong on that fact.
  8. One of those (the 1st one) is a single mission that he put himself and a crew in for, had denied at the ESOG level, then subsequently resubmitted himself for/approved when he was the ESOG/CC a year later.
  9. I know under the current rules that you're ineligible but if the rules change and your life circumstances allow you to apply, fucking go for it. Worse case scenario you wash out or you don't like it and you're stuck doing something you don't enjoy for 2-3 years. Also realize that new is strange/different and a new AETC/CC or CSAF could CNX the program if he/she don't like it. Best case scenario, you get to do some awesome flying that you always wanted to do and help some motivated dudes/dudettes progress through a tough program. Sometimes there's a lot of negativity on these forums that tends to drown out what could be great opportunities or experiences for some. In regards to the credibility issue, if you're humble, willing to work hard, and a good dude/instructor, IMO it shouldn't be an issue. I was late rate to pilot, went through UPT as a Captain. I had more combat hours than all of my FAIPs. That data point was completely irrelevant to pilot training and it never came up, because the FAIPs were there to teach me basic pilot skills and I was there to learn. The fact that my FAIPs had no combat or "real world" experience never mattered to me at all because it wasn't relevant to the training at hand. My operational experience also didn't count for fuck-all. Similarly, if you're a good instructor and are effective at teaching the UPT syllabus, the fact you're not military and have no operational experience won't matter either.
  10. Neutrality For Ukraine Still Makes No Sense | RealClearDefense
  11. First time I’ve ever been rooting for the Zeus crew.
  12. Truth. I think on this last rote I've been in exact same boat on hour 14 on the bullshit AOR round robin trash haul.
  13. Russia’s Ill-Fated Invasion of Ukraine: Lessons in Modern Warfare | Center for Strategic and International Studies (csis.org) Decent open-source analysis of Russia's war up to this point.
  14. I think I’m #3 today
  15. Really? That kinda surprises me given that on a day-to-day basis that community is doing its primary mission, more so I’d argue than the AC/MC/CVs are (understanding that AFSOC’s day in the sun is over and there’s a bias in the command to all things STS and C-130). What do you think is the primary driver for the below average promotion rates?
  16. If someone can provide a link to where the DoD is mandating the anthrax vaccine to combat Monkeypox I’d love to read it. https://www.science.org/content/article/anthrax-genome-reveals-secrets-about-soviet-bioweapons-accident I’m sure that the official Soviet explanation that the deaths were caused by contaminated meat is totally on the level. I mean, they were completely transparent with Chernobyl right?
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