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Everything posted by DirkDiggler

  1. Our guys getting work done.
  2. Your experience and actions deploying for Desert Storm may have been a valid tactic back then, when the Air Force less digitized and hundreds of thousands of people/dozens of squadrons bigger. It isn't any longer. In my corner of the AF (can't speak for others), your immunization status is tracked via ASIMS and reported to Sq Mobility and leadership every week. If you're overdue a shot, you get told to get it politely, once. Then you're in the DO's office explaining why you're red on immunizations and therefore not ready for alerts or deployments. Putting aside this recent COVID dicknannagans since this is supposedly about monkeypox, getting vaccines if you're a military member isn't a choice or negotiable based on your personal feelings; it's a condition of employment. I didn't particularly want to get Yellow Fever, JEV, Anthrax, Smallpox, or Rabies vaccines, but they were all required for me to deploy, they're required for me to continue serving and a lawful order, so I rolled up my sleeve and got them. Much like PT tests, OPRs, or ancillary training, I may personally think some of them are stupid or silly but the corporation didn't ask me and doesn't give a shit about my opinion. If I or anyone in my squadron starts to refuse vaccines, they're now non-deployable and a drag on the squadron cause we've got to find someone else to cover alerts or deployments. If an individual's personal feelings/beliefs/analysis about vaccines are so strong that they refuse them, then it's time for that person to find different pastures besides military service.
  3. Is Russia Ripe for a Coup? - 19FortyFive Interesting article on the possibility of a coup in Russia given current events.
  4. Good, hope it was one of our Stingers and he burned all the way down.
  5. Has the US government restricted or mandated anyone or anything in reference to Monkeypox? At this point I'm not even sure what this thread is about anymore. This isn't the 1st time monkeypox has broken out in the US (reference the 2003 outbreak). The government did fly some limited amounts of the smallpox vaccine to various locations and administered it to a couple dozen people post infection because it's an effective treatment. Do you honestly believe that the US is going to mandate mass smallpox vaccination based on this? Your description above of your process in evaluating what vaccines you take isn't how the military works. Are saying that for every vaccine you've received in the military, you evaluated what the CDC guidance is/was and chose to take the shot on your own? That would've made the MEPS in-processing line or the initial deployment series real slow. I don't know a single deployer with a vaccination record less than 3 pages long; up until this COVID drama, I'd be willing to bet that 99% of military members had no idea what was in the vaccines they took.
  6. The thing I found the most ridiculous is that any US media publication would reference Right Said Fred in the year of our lord 2022. Then I felt a little embarrassed, cause I didn’t realize that Right Said Fred was actually 3 people. Then I was confused, because I had to process the fact that 3 individuals plus an unknown number of record execs conspired to release “I’m Too Sexy” on an innocent and unsuspecting world.
  7. https://www.newsweek.com/bill-gates-monkeypox-conspiracy-theories-twitter-microchips-who-1708138?amp=1 Also, musical legends Right Said Fred tweeted their support for Bill Gates and the WHO being at the center of this monkeypox shitstorm that’s about to overwhelm us so it’s pretty much gotta be true right?
  8. https://www.newsweek.com/marjorie-taylor-greene-pushes-bill-gates-monkeypox-conspiracy-1708789?amp=1 Jewish Space Lasers Greene nails it again: Bill Gates is a the center of this Monkeypox conspiracy and he must be stopped!
  9. Phenomenal shot of a Russian’s joyride cut tragically short.
  10. Another good video of Russians burning.
  11. https://apple.news/AHHeYXlCnQh-8_FelwSQwVA Bunch of tough motherfuckers, hopefully they’re exchanged and get the recognition they deserve.
  12. To get back on track, good video of another set of Russian BMP crews getting snuffed out.
  13. 2, I really hope this thread doesn’t devolve into another left vs right pissing contest, literally half a dozen other threads to argue that shit in.
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