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Everything posted by DirkDiggler

  1. TB2 is selling itself at this point.
  2. Ukrainian National Guard playing Come to Jesus with some buttoned up Russian crewmen. Ukrainian rap dub over was a nice touch.
  3. Also, doesn't look like those homemade chicken coop cages on Russian tanks are proving all that effective.
  4. Good video of Russians cooking and ROI of our Javelin transfers.
  5. Thanks much for posting that, very interesting video, I didn't realize how widespread the use of this was. As I mentioned above, that briefing was one of the most informative and engrossing briefings I've attended in my 19 years in, would love to see a follow up given the rapid changes in the world going on today.
  6. Caveat: This information is 3 & 1/2 years old now so things may have changed. When I was at JPMEII we had a phenomenal guest speaker (PhD type from a DC area college, wish I could remember her name, is a consultant/SME for lots of military and state things) come and brief us on global energy security and politics, one of the best briefings I've ever sat through. Someone in the audience asked this exact question in regards to renewables like solar and wind. Believe it or not, her answer was "water". Due to the current limitations in battery technology (inability to store the type of energy you'd need to power a city or something of that size overnight or when the wind isn't blowing) it's just not possible to use batteries at our current level of technology. She said currently the most efficient way to store large amounts of renewable energy was to use excess power during the day or high wind times to pump large amounts of water into higher level pools or tanks, then use the flow of water back lower to drive turbines generating electricity. This hasn't been implemented anywhere on a large scale that I'm aware of but it's not something I follow closely.
  7. https://www.thecipherbrief.com/column/cipher-brief-expert-view/the-risks-facing-putin-and-his-inner-circle Interesting interview with a retired CIA officer regarding Putin's mindset and the possible risks he faces from his inner circle.
  8. The bold above is historically incorrect. Unconditional surrender was agreed upon by the Allies at the Casablanca conference for multiple reasons, the most important of which were convincing Stalin that the US/UK wouldn't negotiate a separate peace with Hitler, preventing Germany from a repeat of WWI non-military defeat claims, and the destruction of Germany/Japanese ideologies. There's no consensus or firm historical evidence that the unconditional surrender requirement made either Germany or Japan fight harder; in any case no negotiated settlement would have been possible given the National Socialist genocide in the USSR and the Holocaust, and the Japanese war crimes across China and the Pacific (not to mention Bushido code and the massive Japanese military influence in all Japanese affairs of the time). The last year of the war MAY have been the bloodiest; its impossible to know given incomplete casualty counts in the USSR and China. Certainly it was much worse for the civilian populations across Europe and Japan. 1942-43 may have been bloodier overall but with incomplete data its impossible to say.
  9. https://time.com/6155670/foreign-fighters-ukraine-europe/ Good article on the motivations of some of the foreigners volunteering to fight for Ukraine. Baltic nations have been under the Russian boot before and feel the threat from Russia everyday.
  10. US and UK ban Russian petroleum products. https://www.bbc.com/news/live/world-europe-60657155
  11. At a minimum. I went to ACSC with two Ukrainian officers, I think about them and their families every day. No idea if they're dead or alive.
  12. Ukrainian SA-8 shooting down something
  13. https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/ukraine/2022-03-04/what-if-russia-loses Good analysis of what Putin's failure in Ukraine could mean for NATO, the US, and Europe going forward.
  14. Good video of a destroyed Russian fuel convoy.
  15. Unconfirmed reports coming out on Twitter night now saying a Ukrainian Marine unit conducted a raid on Kherson airfield and destroyed around 30 forward deployed Russian helicopters. Here’s to hoping it’s true.
  16. Looked like a bigger SAM than a MANPAD to me (SA-8 or 11 maybe?). Either way, agreed on the Stingers, they’re stacking up some Russian pigs and hardware over there.
  17. Good video, thanks for posting.
  18. For anyone else who finds what Scott Ritter has to say “interesting”, please note he currently pens opinion pieces for RT, Russia’s state propaganda network. That network currently claims there’s no invasion of Ukraine going on right now cause videos of Ukrainian children being ripped apart by Russian high explosives would be bad for Putin’s image. Furthermore, he was arrested and convicted in a child sex sting operation and served time in prison. Personally I’m not gonna use a guy who’s actually been convicted trying to get his rocks off with kids as a source for anything regardless of how intelligent they are on a given topic but you do you.
  19. There was were so many half-truths or flat out misleading statements in the 1st 10 minutes of that horseshit it got tough to keep up. It’s pretty shocking to me that a former US Marine could believe in or support that filth.
  20. Don't know how true this is but I've seen similar reports over the past two days. Glimmer of hope for the Ukrainians perhaps. An urban combat slugfest isn't going to help Russian morale if it's already flagging.
  21. https://www.realcleardefense.com/articles/2022/03/01/the_empire_strikes_back_819310.html Interesting article, towards the end exploring the possibility of Russia attempting to escalate on NATO's southern flank.
  22. Yeah, would be more for anybody who's separated/retired. That would be a weird conversation with your commander most likely followed by "no......."
  23. https://www.militarytimes.com/flashpoints/ukraine/2022/02/27/want-to-go-fight-for-ukraine-heres-what-to-do/ Step by step guide for anyone looking to volunteer.
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