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Everything posted by DirkDiggler
Would be difficult, the plane in question is currently grounded in New Jersey missing an engine.
Personal Opinion: Q3ing someone for that is fucking stupid/shortsighted. What Big Blue is going to come back with: One of the Airfield Management AFIs (can't remember which one of the top of my head) specifically states that AF run airfields WILL have a controller available when aircraft are taking off or landing. I've seen this interpreted in different ways (I've seen STS meet the requirement, though they're actually controllers, I've also seen LZSOs been used as a substitute in limited cases) but at the end of the day that's probably what they're going to hang these guys on. For some reason, outside of of AFSOC (and maybe AMC?) operations at uncontrolled airfields really gives AF leadership pause. I'm not sure why leadership doesn't believe in AF pilots' ability to operate at fields that solo student pilots routinely operate on but uncontrolled airfield ops just seems to give leadership pause. Even at Hurlburt right now, if the tower isn't open guys have to land at VPS or a another 24/7 airfield nearby even though we operate into/out of uncontrolled fields all the time (to be fair, HRT airfield management will always keep the tower open as late or early as needed to facilitate ops so long as they know about it ahead of time). Quick relevant/sad story relating to this topic. When I was a young LT at Mildenhall, we did our ORI up at RAF Machrihanish (EGEC) which is an old RAF base, now a civilian field on an isolated peninsula in Scotland (if you're a Campbelltown Scotch fan this is the area it's from). We had a crew hit a really bad pocket of turbulence entering low level in the Highlands Restricted Area; it kicked one of the loadmasters up into the roof of the cargo compartment, when he came back down he landed on a roller and shattered his kneecap in 3 places. The AC elected to take the airplane back to RAF Lakenheath to get him to an American hospital (as I previously stated, Campeltown is a fairly remote area, the Brits would've had to taken him somewhere even if the crew landed back at EGEC). The Wg/CC at Lakenheath steadfastly refused to open the airfield for our airplane, stating it wasn't life, limb, or eyesight (which was very debatable), said to open the tower at Mildenhall and drive him by ambulance. When 352 SOG leadership told him our guys didn't care if the tower was open or not, he still refused, saying there was no one to turn on the airfield lights (we don't need them), no CFR (don't need that either), and no one to clear the runway (we can do that ourselves if need be). End of the day, we lost, our bird landed at Mildenhall, all because uncontrolled airfield ops was a bridge too far even in a medical emergency.
Also FYI, don’t google hot COVID vaccinated squatting redhead from any government computer, it gets weird real quick.
BLUF is its very possible, couple things to consider, As SocialID mentioned, AETC will make you fill out a high-risk activities worksheet. Some UPT Flt/CCs may give you the stink eye about flying on your own time. Overall I wouldn't sweat this too much though. Bigger issue is available time. You're gonna be pretty tired by the time Friday afternoon roles around and you most likely won't be able to get a sortie off the ground that day. If you're not studying at least half the day Sunday you're probably behind. So realistically, outside of long weekends/holidays there's just not that much time in the weekend for you to GA (Saturday is about it). Not saying you shouldn't do it, just that there's not all that much time off and your motivation some weekends might not be there. Don't worry about GA flying interfering with UPT; the AF will teach you to fly the AF way and after a couple years it'll be refreshing to hop in a GA airplane and not deal with all the AF BS to snag a $100 hamburger.
Don’t let it get you you down man, do what most of us have done and block him on your user settings. And if that doesn’t center you, let this calming picture of a restrained beaver wash over you in an awesome wave.
Guys, I can't prove this 100% via science (but who listens to those nerds anyhow); I think that 4th COVID injection I got a couple days ago increased my girth! So this morning I was getting in a quick pre-simulator jack and something just felt different. Fuller. More Bigger. Meatier. I'm about a solid 5/16" around on a good day but this morning things were really on the up and up. I've been maintaining my pretty standard diet of 1600 ounces of red meat/uncured bacon a week and nothing but pure unfiltered rainwater, or grain alcohol for fluids so I know its not diet related. Haven't changed my laundry detergent in awhile so I know its not that either. Anywho, things were moving along in a pretty standard ops fashion when right as I was about to climax the woman who's three doors down from me in billeting (and who unbeknowst to me was silently watching from the bushes next to the window) yells out "oh what a lovely tea party" (I think she's got a head full of sick thoughts). Normally this would've been a complete turnoff for me but she's a ginger who looks like she can squat a good 300lbs so this really sent me to the next level. In the immediate aftermath, you know, in the time where you're usually sitting there silently judging yourself for what you just did or watched, I thought, the world needs to know if its true. And things like this just don't get the right coverage in the MSM anymore. So I grabbed the tape measure I got for free from the FAC when they stopped doing abdominal circumference measurements on the PT tests (would've been a waste to have them throw it out) and quickly wrapped it around my still engorged member. Admittedly, it was a little difficult to read given that my vision was blurry from lack of O2 due to the belt still wrapped around my neck (always phenomenal to win the world's greatest race on a Monday right?) but I'm about 90% positive that it read a solid 0.5", or a total gain of 3/16" for all you public school grads out there. I'll continue to provide updates here as I do more home "experimentation" but if anybody's still on the fence about this vaccine, after my morning all I can ask is what are you waiting for?
Nah. About 18 months ago I volunteered for a DoD pilot project to test body internal biometric dog tags/body location trackers. They surgically implanted 2 chips in me (primary and a backup). One of the nice things about the chips is they have an IBU function that deadens/CNXs other outside signals during uplink/downlink. I have no proof that that’s helping with the conflicting signals from the COVID vaccinations but that’s what I’m going with as a working hypothesis for now.
So I just got my forth COVID shot (2x Moderna through the military, 1x J&J, and just threw in 1xPfizer for the hell of it at the local Walgreens). No adverse side effects, got some extra solid gainz at the gym this morning, and honestly feel great. As an added bonus, my phone is currently crushing it on 6G.
Honestly didn’t know that, learn something new everyday, thanks much.
Dude, don’t do it to yourself. Just ignore it, most everyone else here does, helps keep the threads more on point.
Nothing good is gonna come of those no-talent ass hats getting involved.
Let me be more clear. I sincerely hope that next week or the week after, once we’ve completed the withdrawal and our guys are safe, there’s a start of some really serious lessons learned and quite honestly soul searching on the part of our civilian and military leadership. I hope that we dig real deep into why we went, why we stayed, why we kept lying to ourselves year after year, and why we finally decided to leave. I’m not holding my breath that many in our leadership are going to take either responsibility or that there will be any accountability for the lives lost, lives damaged, or money wasted. I just don’t think that right now, while our brothers and sisters are literally finishing the job, is the right time to have the conversation. One guy’s opinion.
Maybe us military folks on this forum should have the SA to hold of on the blame/pointing fingers game that all these worthless suits and talking heads in Washington are engaging in while our brothers and sisters are still in harms way in that shithole of a country.
I had the exact same thoughts watching the video. Hindsight’s always 20/20 and all but I have to believe there were some fire extinguishers in the RJ or in the terminal that someone could’ve grabbed and at least made the effort instead of standing around gawking.
Short answer is no, not toxic at all. I can understand (sort of) someone CNXing a training line for WX like that but a combat/contingency line? Absolutely not. It’s leadership’s responsibility to make sure ACs are getting shit done and CNXing for WX your airplane is capable of operating in in combat would be a big red flag for me. Over the years I’ve had Sq/CCs and DOs give me feedback on decisions I’ve made when I was a young AC and could’ve made a better call. What you did was nothing different.
Good experiences with online masters programs?
DirkDiggler replied to Rake47's topic in Squadron Bar
I did AMU with a WWII history degree, finished it about 8 years back. Was fairly cheap, not too difficult (varied by instructor), and actually kind of interesting if you like history. -
Not down with a little cold packing?....
So I’m gonna eat a little crow here cause I believe I gave you some shit on this topic a couple years ago; now this “may” become a reality. That being said, yes SOCOM/AFSOC is seriously looking at this. It would provide several interesting capabilities for the peer fight (not sure if specifics are appropriate for this forum). I think the major stumbling block (besides funding) is that the command is really shooting for the Moon (and maybe Mars) on what they’re asking for capes wise. I’d volunteer to fly it in a heartbeat but I don’t think it’ll become a reality before I retire.
https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.politico.com/amp/news/magazine/2021/03/15/russia-putin-invasion-ukraine-baltics-nato-475527 This was a pretty interesting opinion piece on this very topic, I hope things don’t come to a full blown invasion. I’m truly not certain what our decision caucus would be if that happens.
It worked so well the time around, I say it all the time, the simple pendulum swings both ways.
My wife’s a nurse at the local military hospital; the bulk of the personnel there have volunteered to receive the vaccine, she just got her second dose yesterday.
Yes. There was a page long pre-screening questionnaire and part of that was consent to receive a vaccine that hasn’t been formally approved by the FDA.
Hurlburt Field dispensed all their allotted doses this week. I got the 1st Moderna shot on Thursday, felt a little shitty yesterday but otherwise it wasn’t bad at all (personally thought anthrax and yellow fever were worse). As an added bonus, post vaccine my 5G download speeds have been incredible (4K UHD streaming pornog in the middle of the range, no problem!) and an image of Bill Gates constantly pops up in my periph with helpful dining out suggestions. Totally worth it!!
Yeah, previously LaneHBO and Shazzam I believe.