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Everything posted by DirkDiggler

  1. https://www.crofts-crowfuneralhome.com/obituaries.aspx?turl=http%3A%2F%2Fhosting-25753.tributes.com%2Fshow%2FKevin-A.-Gilroy-Colonel-USAF-Retired--96698911 True hero, he came and talked at the EWO schoolhouse when I was there, very down to earth, talked to all the students over a beer about flying a brand new mission in some of the toughest combat the AF has ever seen.
  2. One of my favorite parts about going to Cambodia
  3. Its reliable, I'm potentially in the same boat, I'll only have 18 months on station by the time I'll leave. Not sure if it's different across the MAJCOMs but that's the way it is in AFSOC right now.
  4. Good to hear, can't imagine getting 95% through that lobotomy and then being give the shaft
  5. They did get sent home, not sure if they graduated or not. Haven't heard any words yet about the next class but I'll post something as soon as I do. FWIW, my AIS class got cancelled at the halfway point this week as well with no one completing.
  6. Wow, hadn't heard at all. Red Storm Rising, The Hunt for Red October, and The Sum of All Fears are still some of my all time favorite books to read. Sorry to hear he passed.
  7. Interesting, thanks for the info. I know several guys in my plane that have experienced this, might be worth a talk with Mx to see what procedures they're employing to bleed down the brakes. Might be an issue with the fact that some of our birds have the new brakes and some have the old ones, Mx might be applying the same procedure across the fleet without accounting for which tail has what. Once again thanks, this just recently happened to me last week on a TDY up north, before that I'd never had a problem with them.
  8. Here's a great scenario - you are planning on doing multiple assaults to a real assault 3000' training zone. On your first one, you "test the brakes" with about a 3-4 second application. You turn around and are facing the 3000' strip in front of you, prepared for takeoff. How much brake energy do you have left for a high speed abort in that situation before you get hot brakes?? If I recall, there are no charts for a situation like that, nor does the BE number in the box help you because it did not take into account that you just did a partially braked assault landing 30 seconds earlier. Have the new carbon fiber brakes gotten to the AMC side of the house yet? We have them over here on the dark side and they're probably the best new mod I've seen put on the airplane. They're almost impossible to overheat, vastly improved efficiency over the old brakes. We currently don't know how good they are because AFSOC won't pay to rewrite the 1-1 so we're using new brakes on the old data set; all the same they're still awesome. Also, they're not very functional when they're cold; you have ride them during taxi to warm them up otherwise you can't do an engine run or static takeoff with all four at 1010, the airplane starts creeping. Was wondering what everyone else thought of them, sorry for the thread derail.
  9. https://www.defensenews.com/article/20130824/DEFREG02/308240004/4-US-Destroyers-Positioned-Near-Syria-Obama-Security-Team-Discuss-Options Anyone think this is going somewhere?
  10. Those guys don't have hair on their ass if they buy anything less than 4, real glad to hear everyone got out ok.
  11. Rest easy bro.....
  12. https://www.stripes.com/news/pacific/us-military-helicopter-crashes-inside-base-on-japan-s-okinawa-1.233850#.Uf9_r2ajVjw.facebook Really hoping they find the last guy ok. Not a good way to start the week.
  13. When we lost a Talon II in Iraq in Dec of '04 they did the same thing. Salvaged all the serviceable parts and then demo'd it in place. Not worth the time and money to repair an A/C that may not even ever be flyable again.
  14. Can you post the pics?, be interesting to see
  15. Totally RUMINT, but I've heard through the grapevine that this is one of the things Gen. Welsh wants to push forward. Source was fairly low so it could be completely wrong. I think it would be change for the better; I have several bros whose timing pretty much completely screwed them out of any chance of being competitive for school, guys that I think would have been solid candidates otherwise.
  16. Champ, I understand where you're coming from but I have to give credit to Liquid where its due. I haven't agreed with everything he's posted in the forums but in this case he's bucking the trend of his peers. The guy is saying and practicing exactly what a lot of guys on this forum are looking for. He's strating his people based on job performance as the #1 and living the "not practicing bleeding" policy in his career. I understand the overall frustration for a lot of people when it comes to how OG & WG/CCs strat there people and the relative inconsistency between leaders, bases, and units. I really think it comes down to an issue of real leadership. FWIW, I'm one of those guys in minority you reference above. Didn't do SOS in correspondence, still went in residence. Was an IDE select off the Major's board with only a BAC+. Some guys in leadership really pushed me to get the masters done before the board; I told them I wasn't gonna do that to my family, that I viewed being good the airplane more important than my bullshit AMU degree, I was willing let the chips fall where they may and it worked out. Some guys in leadership also pushed getting ACSC done in-correspondence in the first year as a huge make or break deal. I just started it in my second year and still got the IDE vector I wanted from my senior rater on my 3849. I'm not typing this to blow my own horn but to show that if you have a senior rater who really believes that job performance is #1 things can change. It may be different at my next base (TDY enroute right now) and I'll look like a shitbag for not getting my in-correspondence done early; so be it, its a decision I'm comfortable with. Thus far in my career I've had leadership that flat out stated that your ability to hack the mission is number one, if you weren't good at that they had nothing for you no matter how many boxes you checked. I'm really hoping Gen. Welsh gives his much anticipated vector soon and puts out some overall guidance to senior raters that solidifies what's really important. I really hope this because while I think that the morale in my community is still pretty good, its really bad for a lot of my friends in different parts of the AF, partly due to the factors you and others have mentioned in this thread.
  17. Took me a second to figure that out too. The pilots must have been sitting there asking for help for a least a full minute (maybe longer, didn't time it on the tower recording) after the crash.
  18. Hope everybody got out, video looked like at least some of the emergency slides were deployed.
  19. My former Gp had an approved acronyms guide we had to use when writing OPR/EPRs. You could only use a maximum of 5 that weren't on the approved guide. It made writing OPR/EPRs even more of a pain in the ass then usual but I could understand the logic. A lot of the things we do in AFSOC are pretty specific to the community; even other flying communities don't really know a lot of what we do. The idea was to make the OPR/EPR understandable by anyone sitting on a promotion board, regardless of background.
  20. Supposedly this will happen when the overseas groups start to gain additional assets. That being said, I'm not holding my breath. What NSplayer mentioned above was correct as of 1-2 months ago. With the possibility of the sequester continuing for the foreseeable future, AFSOC is not going to continue to be exempt from cuts. There's a lot of COAs flying around command right now as to what's going to happen IRT platforms and locations, nothing is set in stone at the moment.
  21. No doubt, really a unique experience. Two of the sim instructors for my MWS were aircrew on Operation Eagle Claw. Every time those guys would talk about that mission and the things they did I always thought it was really awesome and humbling to have been trained by and talked with some true AF legends.
  22. https://us.cnn.com/2013/04/08/world/asia/koreas-tensions/index.html?hpt=hp_t1 And so it continues. I do find it amusing that the media continues to enjoy this constant "breaking news" saga.
  23. Unfortunately this may answer the question but not solve the problem. Everyone in my chain of command has inferred/flat out said that even if Welsh masks the AAD for O-4 we should still get a masters. Its stupid but I understand where they're coming from; they think the next guy after Welsh will reinstate maters/O-4 and then a bunch of year groups will get burned. I just see it as evidence of how difficult it is to get an entrenched bureaucracy to change its course/midnset.
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