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Everything posted by DirkDiggler

  1. I don't know if I've seen a better example of the complete loss of mission focus. Our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan are busy slugging it out with AQI and the Taliban while our leaders, who should be concentrating on how best to employ and coordinate our air assests to support said troops and win the f#!ckin war, are concerned with reflective belts and tucked PT shirts. I cannot understand how someone could possibly watch a body bag, a coffin, or a litter being carried off the back of one of our aircraft and then turn around and issue an email like that.
  2. There's a couple E model prints on there, gotta click on them individually and it'll tell you, anything dropping GBU's is an E, Ronald Wong painted a couple "Panthers over Bosnia, Bolars over Belgrade, Dover Tour, Thunder from the North, and Nowhere to hide" are all E models
  3. https://www.aviationarthangar.com/f15eagle.html This sight has some pretty cool paintings by Brit artisits, they really get into aviation over there, should give you a good start
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