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Everything posted by DirkDiggler

  1. I actually lol’d, this was me last year at 19 years in.
  2. https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/russian-t-90-tank-from-ukraine-mysteriously-appears-at-u-s-truck-stop Anyone interested in a slightly used T-90?
  3. Thanks much, I’ll see what things look like closer to punch time.
  4. Is there a PSDM on this program, info card, pamphlet something? I hit the jelly of the month club in three weeks, am planning on probably staying around another two years or so AD after that. I'd be seriously interested in something like this if there was a Herk or SOF unit that would take/need me.
  5. Best use of my tax dollars I've ever seen!
  6. NATO Edges Closer to Expansion as Finland Wins Over Holdouts (msn.com) And in other not great news for the Russians, Finland's NATO bid is gaining steam.
  7. With any luck the Flanker crashed and burned on landing. Hopefully one less that the Ukrainians need to worry about.
  8. For the most part agree with all above. I passed off the deep strike part as being more about unsupported Army helo aviation than anything joint or AF centric. In that the authors may have a point worth discussing. The portion on JFE is certainly interesting and something worth discussing. Vertical envelopment and amphibious assaults are going to be increasingly difficult to accomplish with widely proliferated, cheap and mobile ADA, anti-ship missiles, and loitering, kamikaze UAS. Not to mention any adversary with heavy artillery. I’ve worked with a pretty wide cross section of Army guys over the years, some fall into the above category you describe, others realize that we (The US military) isn’t getting anything done without the other services. The two authors of the above article probably fall into the former category if I was to guess, but they still make some valid points.
  9. Lessons From Ukraine Many Don’t Want to Hear | RealClearDefense Army centric and doesn't emphasize enough the major impact of UAS and revival of long range massed fires but worth a read/has some good points.
  10. The last STS one or the new female said that? Either way that’s ridiculous. And AFSOC wonders why they’re hemorrhaging so many O-6s.
  11. It’s just Bashi’s alternate troll account.
  12. Harkens back to the SAC days. Old instructor of mine used to be an EWO on BUFFs back in the 80s. He claimed that SAC used to keep a stable of O-6s on standby at Offutt in the event a wing failed an inspection. Said within hours of the failure the Wg/CC was relieved and his replacement was on a jet to the failing base before the day was out. Different AF.
  13. https://apple.news/AZHlakA6nSvev7mfpdPCEIQ Bloodbath up at Minot today, anyone have more details?
  14. https://apple.news/A4msnmJkKQOutX-GZzk_h6A Good news if true, Russia doesn’t have too many operational A-50s.
  15. I thinks more a combination of poor tactics, inability to effectively perform SEAD/DEAD, and lack of effective self protect against the IR threat than an issue with the platform. Whatever makes them crash/burn quickly and contributes to mort’ing their aircrew is fine by me.
  16. https://apple.news/A4WCDjMcHTRCX40vI217N2w Not a generally a huge fan of the Atlantic but this article was pretty good/worth a read for analysis on possible outcomes to this war.
  17. Being jumped by a cougar and victimhood at the AJs scene definitely falls into “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure” type situation.
  18. Something like this is pretty cut and dry, but he picked the worst AFSOC/CC to do this under. CAT 5 will probably come off the 3rd floor and personally stab him in the face. It was just briefed at the SOCOM CDRT that disciplinary incidents/issues within SOCOM are rapidly approaching the levels they were at prior to the “period of reflection”. Not a good look.
  19. Anybody remember the days when every thread on Baseops didn’t turn into a left versus right political pissing contest?….was kinda nice.
  20. Good work by the Ukrainian ADA this morning
  21. Nice wake up video of Russian equipment burning, the Terminator getting "terminated", even set to T2 music.
  22. Lol. Today I learned.
  23. Really glad to see both pilots made it out, that looked ugly.
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