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Everything posted by Fresh

  1. Gents, quick question. Im fresh off AD and was curious if there was any way to take advantage of leave earned while at a formal school? Do you have to get your orders extended to cover the time period you would be on leave? Is this even possible or is the only option to sell it back when your orders are up?
  2. Gents, what's the deal with TAMP...do we get it or not when approved for PC? I have not been able to get a solid answer from anyone and can't figure out what reg provides the guidance on it. Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  3. I'd say lawyering up to much...it's an Active Duty Service Commitment...you have to get your active duty commitment waived. Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  4. I emailed some chick at the FAA and she said there are no extension waivers...running out of options Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  5. Question for the masses...is there any way to take the written while deployed to a location without a testing center capable of administering the exam? I was schedule for the test earlier this month, went on a short notice TDY that was only supposed to last a couple days and ended up being at least a month in everyone's favorite shithole. Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  6. Sorry for being ignorant but my understanding from that is as a traditional guardsman you can get the exact same SGLI coverages as on AD? Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  7. Got approved for PC a while back...curious if anyone knows if you can't get SGLI through the guard? Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  8. Snuggie, I believe that is correct. The accounting date is may 14 (can't remember the exact date), who you have as a senior rater that day determines who writes your RRF. We ran into a similar problem writing one of our RRFs. We sent the question up for clarification. If I hear differently ill post it Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  9. I didn't have mine signed by the WG/CC prior to uploading. I filled in his info, then his signature is his recommendation on the electronic application after it gets to him. The ISR signs it after the gaining unit medically approves you...you need that signature before you upload. Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  10. 10K bonus for guard/reserve? Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  11. Same thought process I had...PC approved with 5 years UPT ADSC left at DOS. Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  12. Yeah my yg/AFSC still had an overage. I am not 100% sure but if your block is red I don't think you can apply for FY14 PC. The ISR would know best unfortunately. Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App! I asked that question to my ISR and she said I was only ineligible if I had been officially notified of an assignment. Being told that you are projected to PCS but haven't received notification should still allow you to apply. Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  13. Approved. Applied for traditional PC and switched to FY 14 expanded, was approved 30 min after I switched. 07 11S 5 years UPT ADSC from DOS 1 year TA (which I may have to pay back) 1 month AFT Flood gates are open gents Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  14. PM me with that # if you could as well Bama. I have a feeling Vprdrvr and I are working with the same ISR and she is pretty much useless. Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  15. Bama, what was your functional's recommendation? Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  16. Initial qual for a new airframe Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  17. Yeah Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  18. Fellow Exec in the office just got an email regarding his VSP. Separations office requested he change his DOS to a date that fell after his ADSC for advanced flying training training. If he was willing to do so, it would be approved. If not, his application would "remain open and be processed after 1 May to see where it falls with other applications that need ADSC waivers." Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App! Sorry, forgot the required info: 05 12S Refer to above post regarding ADSC SQ/CC and WG/CC approved Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  19. I believe it applies to PC as well. PC is referenced in both the ADSC waiver table (notes section) and the 3 Apr AFPC news release. I shot an email to my ISR to get a definite but my impression was that it applies to PC as well. Anyone else have other interpretations? Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  20. Thats my feeling with regards to applying right now. Its been something I have considered for a while and have been waiting until a time period with a sliver of hope presented itself. I was deployed when sequestration hit and knew then that these cuts were coming. Started looking for units and stopped using TA etc to give myself the best chance. Now that they are waiving up to 6 years of UPT as well as pretty much everything else I figured this was the best chance I would get. Looking to head back to CT if this all gets approved.
  21. Gents, Been a long time reader but never posted. I just put in PC paperwork about 2 weeks ago and was curious if anyone had an idea of how heavily weighted the functional's recommendation is considered? I know the ultimate authority rests with the PC office but I am under the impression the functionals recommendation is the big one. SQ/CC approved and checked "in excess of base requirements," WG/CC will likely approve since he made statements that he would not block anyone's requests for separation when all this force management stuff started. '07 11S 5 years left on UPT ADSC Recommendation letter form Guard 0-6 included in application
  22. tough crowd...-10 reputation after 12 posts. Winchester dont do stuff right

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