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Everything posted by Napoleon_Tanerite

  1. Living on base is still Huntington. Same company, same bullshit, avoid at all costs. I think the elementary school is closed or is closing (could be wrong here). Can't speak to the rest of the on-base stuff as I haven't been there in 2 years.
  2. Anytime the words "But I thought...." Seem like the right thing to say.
  3. If you absolutely have to have the money immediately perhaps you weren't in the best position to VSP in the first place.
  4. Anyone know when the VSP money will pay out of FY15 guys? If the "out date" is 31 Dec, what are the chances of getting paid 1 Jan or later? The one day difference could be a HUGE deal financially.
  5. I don't lowball my guard guys, and none of my fellow Flt/CCs do either. In fact, AD/ANG/AFRES has no bearing in flt/cc ranking at all. The entire class is stratified, and IP ranking only accounts for 1/3 of total Flt/CC ranking anyway (the other two thirds being USEM averages and peer rankings). Yes, that's right-- your peer ranking counts as much as the IP ranking. Chances are if you had the attitude at UPT that you exhibited in that post, you got tanked because you were a d-bag, not because there was some conspiracy to give an undeserved advantage to some AD dude.
  6. Man I hope so. I felt like the last asshole without a chair when the music stopped last time, and deeply regret not putting in in the first round.
  7. Why would they want this when they can buy the F-35? Oh..... You mean they DON'T want to bankrupt their nation buying an airplane that is less capable than ANY of the airplanes it is intended to replace.
  8. It's not rape if it comes from the Big Blue Weenie. Service Before Self and all....
  9. Students generally don't know jack about "good" or "bad" assignments anyway. What is a "bad" assignment out of UPT anyway? They're not dropping UAVs any more, so what is bad? The E-3 to Tinker? You mean that assignment where you go live in Oklahoma City for ~4 years with a PCS to Japan, Alaska or Germany? Ya, definitely a bad deal there! I halfway think the drop should be done via bingo machine. It would solve a LOT of issues with attitude and performance.
  10. Current CBM T-1 IP here. Trust me when I say this, the grades are the same, no matter how they are "interpreted". A gradesheet submitted at CBM is the same as what is submitted at DLF or END. They are graded IAW the syllabus and course training standards. Students invent these creative ways to numerically categorize checkride grades, but these interpretations are irrelevant and not used for anything other than one student lying to another about what he/she allegedly "got" on their checkride. As a side note-- students tend to care too much about grades/MASS to begin with. While they are important, most students are so close together that it is Flt/CC ranking that makes the difference between all but the top and the bottom 10-20% of any given class. The middle is largely decided by Flt/CC ranking and I can guarantee that a grade-chaser/buddy f'er will hurt their flt/cc ranking (and therefore the MASS) far more than a few graded items on a gradesheet or two. My advice-- fly your ass off, show up prepared and ready to fly every day, and be enthusiastic and ready to learn. The rest will sort itself out. If you want more info, PM me.
  11. Agreed, though I wouldn't be surprised if that was EXACTLY what was going on. If this is true, it would be another golden example of the new kind of Air Force "Leadership" that seems to be focused on making things as painful for people as humanly possible. Again, no "lesson learned", no chance for improvement, and with a referral OPR, probably no chance for recovery either.
  12. It's not a matter that the military makes an acronym for everything, it is that they seem to be actively seeking new and exciting ways to categorize things to amplify their "seriousness". It has become "good leadership" to crush people who make bad decisions when they drink, even if they didn't commit ANY crime, did not hurt themselves (or others), and didn't destroy any property. When alcohol is involved there is no longer such a thing as "lesson learned". THAT is what I'm pretty sure he was getting at.
  13. Despite what he allegedly did that ended up with his capture, I'm glad he's back. He's still an American, and if he did indeed desert/attempt to that needs to be handled by Americans, not throw him to the Taliban.
  14. Wow... I started this thread two years ago and it's as bad or worse than ever, except you wouldn't know it. The "crisis cycle" has moved on to SAPR, so apparently the problem has gone away. Oh, wait. It actually IS a problem
  15. If he hadn't debriefed he wouldn't be prepared for going out there in the first place!
  16. You know you're a d-bag when Yeager says you're a d-bag!
  17. So THAT'S how you properly ditch a 777! This post is all the more winning given the topic of discussion right above it.
  18. Explains why the Randolph BX is like the Costco from Idiocracy
  19. Haven't been to END, but judging by the DLF and CBM BXs, they do the same thing at UPT bases. Both of those places are tiny and terrible.
  20. Quibbling. Just don't shop there, problem solved. The BX isn't subsidized like the commissary, so if you don't shop there, it will eventually go away.
  21. If it doesn't deter, it eliminates. Nearly EVERY mass shooting ends with the shooter dead, usually by their own hand, and usually at the first sign of resistance. It's no coincidence that the VAST majority of mass shootings take place in "gun free" zones. These are cowardly chickenshit worthless pieces of filth and therefore select the easiest target/environment. If they KNOW that their victims will not be armed, it makes a far more inviting target. Like HU&W said-- even if YOU don't decide to carry, knowing that others around you may be armed is reassuring. I don't think anyone is advocating actively ARMING military members in garrison, they are merely saying that they should be given the OPTION to carry weapons on military installations. If we had armed guys in the building the ridiculous 69 slide active shooter "run and hide" CBT could be consolidated into one slide-- SHOOT THE SUMBITCH!
  22. Neil Armstrong. Did more than Yeager, and was a quiet and humble man.
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