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Everything posted by PasserOGas

  1. I don't know about the other airframes but in the tanker world it is night and day. The missions that the guard/reseve guys get to do are amazing, while ours... see the thread about leadership at the deid. I too know lots of people who got out back in 06, and while a few are furlowed I don't know one that wants back in. True you don't get the same retirement, but you do get to enjoy your life.
  2. The air force does have GCA's in more desireable locations. You just have to be in the guard/reserves to use them.
  3. What is this thread about? I'm new here.
  4. Not Deid related but in the same vein. This is from an article about Gen Lichte retiring. https://www.airforcetimes.com/news/2009/11/airforce_lichte_112109w/ Q. Do any of the visitors stand out in your memory? A. King Hussein of Jordan was a very impressive person. First of all, I thought I’d never be greeting a king. But the king was also a pilot, so he would sometimes fly his own airplane in. He would come off that airplane and not only would he greet me at the bottom of the steps, but he would greet the marshallers who marshaled the plane in, he would shake hands with some of the people doing the luggage. The one story that I told was that it was pouring rain and part of the ritual was that we’d stand there and salute as the head of state would depart. King Hussein rolled down the [cockpit] window and said “General, please don’t stand in the rain for me.” I said, “Your majesty, I would stand here all day for you.” Awesome. :flag_waving: On a side note, what kind of bottles should I pee into? I used to use the gatoraid bottles due to the larger mouth, but I might try to see how many ripits I can fill in one standing.
  5. Sorry, buried in that poor attempt at humor was a question about random inspections. I know they are supposed to do them, but at least in my squadron they have been done only when leaving. Just checking to see if that had changed.
  6. I'm headed to the old "poo flavored smellbox" in a couple weeks. How are they enforcing the pee bottles? Are they inspecting your rooms now? I need to know, because... ya know... I pee in bottles.
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