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Everything posted by Prefontaine

  1. That write-up was excellent, thank you. No questions!
  2. Sorry to shift the topic for selfish reasons...but maybe someday someone else can benefit from this same question. First world problem question to follow: I have a CJO with FedEx, and I'm currently working to schedule a UPS interview after they broke 3 months of radio silence on my application. I obviously don't have the job with UPS at this point, but if I go through with the interview (leaning toward this, especially because they're virtual interviews right now) and get a CJO, I have a decision to make. Obviously a lot of factors go into deciding between the two, and I'm leaning overall toward FedEx. Although UPS management has an awful reputation, the IPA seems awesome, though, which is making me question this decision. Additional info that might help: 11F background, so I don't have a ton of experience with this stuff. Initially was planning on living somewhere between Indy and Louisville (which made this decision even more difficult), but now I'm anticipating that the family and I will settle down somewhere in New England (i.e. commuting). I will not be balancing a guard/reserve job on the side. FDX/UPS while on the road, dad at home. My wife is with our girls full time. FDX pros: well, it's FDX. I've wanted to work for them for a long, long time. No furlough history, great pay, no ties to AMZN anymore, flying-centric culture. FDX cons: MEM is awful if we ever wanted to live in base some day (not likely at this point based on updated life plans), widebody vs narrowbody pay scales (like almost everyone else), ALPA seems ok at best. UPS pros: spartan / blue collar culture has led to profitability regardless of what the economy is doing, single pay scale (no chasing which aircraft, just a rheostat between max pay and max QOL), IPA union seems awesome. UPS cons: management relationship (to include history of a furlough), truck-centric culture (I'm told to anticipate being treated like a truck driver while on the clock...i.e. 1-2 legs more per night for hub turns), doesn't seem to be as commuter-friendly. This question might seem like a no-brainer to some, but I have 5x bros who all love UPS (disclaimer: all are domiciled in AK, which I think makes a difference) whereas the APC forums make UPS seem a bit sub-optimal compared to FDX. I know of a few guys who have gone from UPS to FDX, but not the other way around. I'm hesitant to believe the "FedEx is the best place ever, no questions asked" narrative that all my fighter bros continue to promulgate despite only 0-1 year on property (but maybe it is true). One last note: now that Fred Smith is stepping down, I'm concerned that FDX will become another SWA where the culture leaves with the previous guy in charge. I do not plan on choosing one or the other for intangibles, because those can change very quickly. I know this forums has a few who fly for FDX and UPS, so I'd greatly appreciate your input. Hopefully it's a bit less sensational than the feedback I received on the APC forums. Thanks!
  3. Dang...thanks for the info!
  4. Does anyone know if TLE is available (reimbursable) when you're separating? Finance here said no, but the tone of the A1C's voice was "I'm not totally sure, but I'm not going to spend the time looking that up." Thanks.
  5. Very specific question inbound; maybe some AFPC ninja can help. I've applied to set a DOS via vMPF (miscellaneous separation to shave a few days off an ADSC, surprisingly it's legitimately in the best interest of the AF so that they can PCS a replacement on time). At the end of the application, I entered my CC, his email address, and his (our) organization. Oddly enough, a notification never went to my CC, but went to one of our front office staff (a SSgt who apparently decided it didn't look important...so never acted on it before the long weekend). Just wondering if anyone can tell (based on what's described above) if the organization I entered was too broad (causing it to go to our CSS instead of the CC directly) or if it'll go from our CSS to our CC once action is taken. My concern is based on the fact that the case status states "referred to Sq Commander," but it's not actually with him. Thanks in advance.
  6. My ISR told me today that I need to be within 6 months of my requested date to apply for PC. After reading the reg, I'm not sure who this actually applies to: enlisted only, overseas members only, or if it's just not true. Does anyone know the real answer? I'll be asking for 5.5 months off of a PCS ADSC; looking to leave AD in early December 2022 (May '23 is the actual end of my PCS ADSC). So, if the 6-month rule is true, I can't apply until July-ish. I've heard horror stories about PC request timelines (including within this thread), but this rule seems to set you up for failure from the outset (no time to out-process without selling back at least some leave in my case).
  7. Either option is fine, but I would also just wear my bag. I've done this a few times over the last few years -- visiting hometown (or near hometown) units to keep options open. Bag or "normal clothes" depending on why I was home. It's always been a great experience, so relax and don't get spun up about it. They're looking for a guy or gal to work with long term, so keep that in mind, and best of luck!
  8. We're all counting on you... (I hope to be asking for 5.5ish months off soon).
  9. I've heard to put your apps in one year out from your projected availability date. Any harm in submitting them a few months earlier than that?
  10. Uhh...look at some of the other "news articles" on that site.
  11. Thanks for the clarification! The way the regs are written doesn't really inspire confidence.
  12. What are the odds of AFPC saying "no" when all your ADSCs are up? Do they have to come back with a counter-offer (for the DOS) or can they just say "no" and make you re-apply later? I'm not really sure when AFPC would say "no" when you're not asking for time off your ADSC, I just wouldn't put it past the AF to not screw with plans just because it's inconvenient for them.
  13. Everyone I talk to about separating or retiring has 7-day opted, so dumb question inbound... If I hit the end of my ADSC but I'm still ~1 year from a VML, can I still establish a DOS ~6 months prior to my desired DOS without my commander having any say in it? Is this true for Palace Front as well? Only asking because I'm trying to figure out to what degree my CC can say "no" based on the perceived importance of the job I'm currently in. I hope to Palace Chase first, but we'll see about that one...
  14. Another PC question, wondering what the odds are (haven't submitted anything, just planning right now): 3 months off UPT ADSC 12 months off PCS ADSC I'm guessing the first one wouldn't be a huge deal, but the PCS ADSC might be. I'd be going to a unit that I'm a current / qualified IP in within AETC. Not co-located though; I'm basically doing a staff job at my current base and going TDY back to my previous unit to fly for a week per month.
  15. Sorry to redirect the conversation for my own PFA, but anyway... I've already transferred my benefits, but now looking to "take some back" so I can use it to help pay for (or cover completely) getting my ATP. How difficult is it to get some of it back in my name? Also, what percentage / number of months / whatever metric is used do I need to reclaim to cover the ~6-9,000+ it'll cost for this thing? Thanks.
  16. Find Lillian at the G-Spot. You won't regret it. Are you actually named Krypto? I thought I was the only one...damn.
  17. Long time reader, infrequent poster. But I'm not sure you have the right guy because he hasn't hit the flightline yet. He starts T-6s next week and is actually coming into my flight as we leave to start Phase III. I'm pretty pumped to hear how it all goes down once he starts since his bio has been spreading like wildfire. I still think it's a joke...but I really, really hope it's real.
  18. Thanks for the information Karl and Brabus. I didn't mean to imply at all that I thought I would have plenty of 'down time' during any sort of training. I haven't experienced it myself yet but from years of lurking on these boards and talking to as many people as I can, I have an idea of how tough UPT will be. I would never try to do anything other than learn how to fly during that time. The timeframe I was thinking of was starting before I EAD (most guys from my Det this year who were going to UPT or UNT didn't EAD until at least November and don't start UPT until mid next year) and then trying to complete it at the same time as other guys are working on their masters. If this is even possible, I know it'll be really tough -- that's exactly why I asked here. Listen, I know it seems foolish to be asking these questions when I haven't even done sh!t in the AF. I haven't even finished ROTC yet. But I've realized that if I have any shot at this I need to start setting myself up NOW (I wish I had done this 3 years ago). Karl -- I wholeheartedly agree with your advice to worry about the big picture (aka getting through college and UPT first) before worrying about this stuff, but like you said, if I don't try, the answer will absolutely be no. So, I'd rather start putting every effort forth now while I still have a small shot at this and later learn that 1) it isn't possible or 2) I'm not good enough for TPS/NASA or 3) my timing is just off than to learn that everything would have worked out for me if I just had that technical degree. I hope that makes sense.
  19. Hi everyone, I have a question for someone with much more wisdom and knowledge than I have. Got a pilot slot out of ROTC in February -- stoked. Still waiting to hear back about ENJJPT, but I'm very, very happy with the UPT slot. Just got back a few weeks ago from Brooks as well and I'm 99% sure everything went well. I've been thinking more about my future in the AF later on down the road and have been considering a few options: namely, the U-2 program and TPS and/or NASA. These last two options require technical degrees, which unfortunately I don't have (PoliSci/History double major). I'd really like to pursue a math degree especially if it'll help me fulfill these requirements and thus I'm piling on a bunch of math courses before I graduate (and some finance ones to help set me up for a masters). But, here are the questions I have: 1) Is it possible to get another bachelors after having already graduated? How hard would this be after graduating UPT and/or knocking out some of it as I sit waiting to start UPT? 2) From what I've gathered by reading this thread, engineering is more highly desired versus a math or physics degree. Is this right? 3) I know this largely varies based upon what schools are willing to do, but if I take a bunch of math courses this year and do well (I plan on taking calc 3, linear algebra, differential equations, and 1-2 more) has anyone heard of schools accepting students to a MS program and simply requiring them to take more undergrad level courses before hitting the masters level stuff? 4) If #3 is possible, would TPS/NASA honor my MS given that I don't have the BS as stated as a requirement on the Edwards TPS site/NASA website? Sorry for the truckload of questions; any answers are greatly appreciated.
  20. Definitely a good idea, but try to find one with a lot of resistance. I played flight sims for years but when I went to go take the TBAS the stick was incredibly stiff (sts). Still did well though, so I'm sure anything is better than nothing.
  21. er...fixed
  22. I should have been more specific in my question, but thank you for that (I laughed). I already have done a lot of searching and just purchased both frame sliders and handlebar sliders (through a store in the UK, which seems to be the only place that offers them for that bike). I'm just nervous to start cutting away at the fairing because it's not like anything I've done in the past. I was asking for technique tips I suppose. If that still sounds retarded...I give up
  23. Hey guys, I'm glad to see there are so many riders on this forum. I just bought a bike yet I keep scaring myself by looking at websites with tons of pictures of crashes -- certainly makes me afraid of losing my UPT slot. But I still can't wait to take the course (30-31 May) and finally start riding. Hopefully as long as I'm safe, smart, and look out for "cagers" who are trying to kill me I'll come out ok! Does anyone have any advice for cutting fairings to mount sliders on? I just got an 04 GS500F that's in beautiful shape and I want to keep it that way. However, an ugly cut would look almost as bad as a nasty drop IMO. Also, for those of you who were mesh pants, do you just slip them over whatever you're wearing already (like shorts or jeans)? I'm debating between these and kevlar jeans. -Nate
  24. I just found out from a cadre member that you all will be spending more than twice as much time at JFTC and hardly any (or no) time at BT. And, JFTC has been expanded...have fun!
  25. On a separate note... How long did it take you all to get your test results? After I took the test on Monday, my TCO told me to wait until NEXT FRIDAY because of Thanksgiving. I figure things might be delayed, but that seems like an awfully long time considering I've heard some people have come home from the test and found their scores online immediately. I've been checking for the past two days and I'm dying here. Should I really expect it to take that long? Could my TCO have just not submitted the stuff yet, or do they submit it right away and the graders are the ones who take the time? Oh, and hopefully this doesn't fall under the category of talking-about-the-test-after-taking-the-test, but did anyone else find the stick to be really "stiff" (sts)?
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