Who cares how they're viewed? Why is that important? What IS important is that there is nobody else on the planet who can do what they do as well as they do with the resources they have. If jokes and songs help them unwind after a day of practice or actual killing, then so be it. If you are offended by that, then don't hang out in their squadron bars. Why is a 69 or so to speak joke more offensive than the massive amount of violence these guys inflict on our enemies? Im not saying im offended by the violence, just trying to bring up a point that priorities are skewed here.
Yeah, these guys are a very small segment of the force. It IS a fraternity/brotherhood. Nobody else does what they do. Everyone else is there for support. Let them be.
And why bring up the joint argument? Why should they care? Is there anybody else they would like to have providing the service of killing from the air? I think not.