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Everything posted by raimius

  1. I disagree. I think this case presents some serious questions. When does one forfeit their 5th Amendment rights? The right not to be deprived of life without due process is a pretty serious one. Am I sad to see Awlaki offed? Hell no. I am concerned about the precedent though.
  2. If you wind up wearing glasses in UPT, I recommend actually flying with the giant issued ones. Those big lenses let you look around more (helpful in form).
  3. XL 12-06 track T-38: 7 T-1: 17 T-44: 3 UH-1: 1 (One of those T-1s might be a -38. I couldn't hear the announcer very well.)
  4. You can't put the genie back in the bottle! Dropping the bombs saved a lot of Americans (and probably Japanese).
  5. What a shame. Glad everyone made it out.
  6. Respect.
  7. Which case do you base that on, or are you using the 14th Amendment as the basis of the Constitutionality of such an order?
  8. CNN picked it up. Not much information, but it doesn't look good. I sure hope I'm wrong about that last bit. Hopes and prayers.
  9. Lots of good suggestions. I have a Surefire G2 (polymer version). I like it, although it can eat 123 batteries (incandescent). Definitely one of the brightest, smaller flashlights that can be had for $30. I also have one of those little INOVA LED keychain lights (when I don't want to light up an entire room).
  10. HOLY CONVERSION, BATMAN! THAT is a serious bomb. Back to reality, it's still a serious bomb!
  11. Well, the Osprey did fry the grass where I've seen it land. So, "true." CSAR guys, do you want/need something as large an MH-47?
  12. No. The younger crowd needs to learn, so why not educate us before we F up something important as LTs?
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