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Everything posted by db84

  1. END 13-05 T-38s F-15E F-16 Eurofighter (Saudi) B-52 KC-135 Mildenhall T-1s C-17 x2 KC-135 x2 AC-130U U-28 x2? NSA x2 C-130H RC-135 EC-130 and a couple more I cant remember. Congrats to all!
  2. Try brandman university, they'll give you 15 credits towards a MA in Organizational Leadership. https://www.brandman.edu/catalog/current.pdf Page 92 has the details.
  3. IFS is definitely a zero hour program, out of my flight of 24 only 5 or 6 of us had any previous flight time. 3 guys did wash out, but 2 of them simply didn't put in the study time on the ground so that they would be able to perform in the air. So while I think getting some flight time certainly helps, in this case 17 out of 18 folks with no flight time made it through. To me that means you aren't disadvantaged by showing up having never flown before. If you are willing to bust your ass while you're there you will be able to get by, even with zero hours.
  4. You're good to get a place, there aren't any dorms to live in at Whiting. I'd recommend living in Pensacola, you'll be about 30-40 mins to the base and a lot closer to the bars and the beach.
  5. Kayla, The rules for brining in dogs did change on 1 Jan, here's the website that details what you have to do https://www.defra.gov.uk/wildlife-pets/pets/travel/pets/pet-owners/ The only thing to double check is that you get international microchips, which use a different standard than the US microchips most vets normally use. Our vet had the international ones in stock, we just had to ask for them.
  6. I can't support my point on an open forum, we'll just have to disagree on this one.
  7. MWS = Missile Warning System like the AAR-54 which can be used to slew a jammer or automatically dispense flares. To keep costs down you could leave out the MWS and just have a bucket or two of flares dispensed manually. edit - grammar.
  8. While ground fire is obviously a big concern, lots of aircraft fly low and slow without too much of a problem. The super tucano should be able to stay high enough to keep out of RPG/HMG/small arms range, and defensive equipment against MANPADS won't weigh much or cost much. Even if you forego a MWS and just put flares on board to save money and weight the odds of a talib taking a well aimed shot with a functioning MANPADS are pretty slim. I'd say reward (solid low cost CAS/ISR platform) outweigh the risk.
  9. Anybody heard rumors on how the program is going to work? I've heard 2 different things 1. that we were going to use them like the 6 SOS to help train partner nations or 2. That the light attack would serve as a regular squadron performing CAS. Anybody hearing anything since the contract is moving along?
  10. I thought there was some restriction on having a active security clearance and having a passport from another country. Anybody know about this?
  11. For pilots you report to VT-3, but if you show up after hours whichever base lodging (Pcola or Whiting) you go to will stamp your orders (the navy is big on that). As for swimming at API you will do it, it's not a big deal as long as you are comfortable in the water. If you aren't use that casual time before/after IFS to get used to being in the pool. You don't need to be michael phelps, you just have to be able to swim. If you have trouble the instructors are happy to work with you and get you extra practice. The worse that will happen is you get rolled a week or two so you can get even more one on one time with a swim instructor. That happened to one guy out of my class of 45 who really had trouble swimming in gear, and he did just fine when they put him back in training a week later. Enjoy your casual time!
  12. ######ing shameful.
  13. Didn't the AF take over the sims and make the instructors jobs GS? Or was that just on the 22 side?
  14. Anybody have a link to the 2011 approved contact list?
  15. Depends on the airframe, AC-130s MC-130s and 60s are 10 years. The limit is included in the announcement message.
  16. Anybody know how the tempo is in the 15E?
  17. Report: AF light aircraft decision could be soon Says decision for the version we're giving to the Afghans should be in september, will be interesting to see what they go with.
  18. Thanks for the heads up guys. Good to know that mildenhall is standing up, that would be a sweet gig.
  19. Thread revival, anybody know what the CV-22 pipeline looks like after rucker?
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