An incredible opportunity if you love money above all else.
I've been generally opposed to the verbal beating you have taken on here, but even I can't stand it any more. Are you really that out of touch? The Air Force doesn't give two shits about their people! The current crop of O-5/6 clowns running the show at the squadron/group/wing would sell their troops to gypsies if they thought it would help their career. I can't remember the last time I've even HEARD about a commander "doing the right thing" or looking out for their people. What squadrons have you been in? What deployed locations? I've been around a time or two and I'm just not seeing this "leadership" and "insight" you keep talking about.
Edit to add: The irony, given sequestration and a very austere budget environment, is that the solution to retention is FREE. People WANT to follow good leaders. You wouldn't have to pay them extra to do it. But since we are running low on talent, let's just throw some money at the problem for a quick, easy fix. Kinda like putting wet napkins in the cargo door to stop an air'll work for a while but not a good long term fix.