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Orbit last won the day on October 27 2020

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  1. You would think the efficency savings of the NEO would not outweigh the increased costs. The military does not put man hours on its airplanes (in comparison to the airlines). Is there a significant increase in max gross with that new wing/engine combo?
  2. Drudge is cringe now
  3. So how many of you are just alt burner accounts for kinzinger? SAD!
  4. Senators need maximum term limits.
  5. Nice, this is how you do it. keep us posted But yea you see developers that look into this hangar shortage and realize the same, so some are looking at commercial or residental space+hangar space to make it profitable to build at some airports.
  6. https://www.linkedin.com/in/georgesondecker ?
  7. I bet this stand down is just the Marines.
  8. I know they added more spots on the south side in the last few years. I think typically tues/wed is the peak of traffic when they have turned non "showplanes" (experimental, vintage, warbird) away. I'll be in HBC all week in my RV-6. I really hope the smoke stays away. Flying into the show is quite the experience. I feel like the last two times i've flown in the arrival line started about 60miles from the field going past endeavor bridge. But i've always shown up at peak times in the afternoon.
  9. Correct, some beancounter decided to not add it to the list. https://registry.faa.gov/TypeRatings/
  10. I should have read this thread about a year ago. Great info for new dudes!
  11. Shoe Clerk or Tom Cruise in Iron Eagle
  12. Make a KB-21 for that.
  13. They don't know. Some are looking into different units. All of the airframes have the passenger windows on them just covered up, the boom is more like the KC-135 boom (KC-46 boom is more like the KC-10). Some of the Japanese pilots i've talked to say that they can't offload as much fuel as the 46 for weight reasons I think. The integrated mission systems on the 46 are another difference.
  14. RUMINT, guard is gonna loose their 135s and take the 46s away from he reserve squadrons
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