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Everything posted by tunes

  1. We finally have enough to submit the order. I'm leaving on a trip Wednesday and plan on submitting the order when I return....if you haven't submitted your paperwork to me yet please do so. Also if anyone else is interested, this is last call.
  2. will do, i'm going on leave tomorrow afternoon and i will be out of the country til the 26th, ill call you after that.
  3. Just got done signing the refinance paperwork. We initially contacted Daniel probably 2.5 weeks ago, he put us in touch with Dave Devine and we just got done signing all the paperwork. Took our monthly payment down $105/month and are getting a $260 check for refinancing. Was extremely painless. I'd recommend them to anyone interested in refinancing.
  4. okay if you are interested and didnt get an email from me, please let me know.
  5. What CHQ Pilot said is correct, I think i sent everyone pm's but if you are interested and i missed sending you one please pm me your email address, preferably .mil so i can send you the order form and everything else.
  6. Got a reply back. So the design has to be the same on every watch. You have the option of getting name/callsign engraved with no design, or design only, or design with name/callsign. Based on that, does anyone that said yes originally want out now? I'll be leaving on a mission and will be back in a week or so to send the paperwork in. Will be sending all of those interested PM's so if you don't have a PM from me and are still interested post in this thread or send me a pm.
  7. haven't heard back yet guys...
  8. We should be over 15 now, just waiting to hear back about multiple designs...will hopefully have an answer this week.
  9. I left a voicemail today with the lady that runs this, I'll let you guys know when i hear back with answers to your questions.
  10. still didn't get a reply by email today, going to call tomorrow to ask all the questions posed in this thread.
  11. Okay, we are at 11 solid orders right now, 13 if we can change the design up for some people, still need 4 more......
  12. emailed this morning, haven't heard back. If I don't hear back tomorrow, I'll call on Thursday. I'll put together the numbers tomorrow to see how many we have....
  13. looks like we might be really close to ordering, i'd guess next week? I'll have to do a final count but i think we are only 1-2 people away from having enough to order. I'll have them all shipped to me then ship them out to you guys since they have to go to 1 address (there will be no tax since I'm in DE). Vetter, if you could let me know by the end of the week....that work for you?
  14. yep, 1600 for that
  15. I'll check
  16. Okay, looks like we are ready to pull the trigger if we get enough people. Cost will be 1500 for a titanium bracelet or 1300 for the kevlar bracelet. If you are interested, PM me. we are about 6 people short of getting the required 15. Tentative engraving will be wings on the back with your name/callsign, whichever you prefer. I can also provide more details for those interested.
  17. What kind of closing costs associated? Appraisal required?
  18. doesn't matter, you will never be home
  19. down $3 for me
  20. it went really well on our end. The M model is really changing the game in terms of C5 movement. Only problems we really had were with TACC...but thats pretty typical.
  21. what he said. Right now anyways Dover is in a lull and Travis is getting worked pretty hard. Dover is in the lull due to the M transition.....I'm guessing next Summer/Fall it will pick back up but no one really knows...feel free to send me a pm if you have any specific questions.
  22. congrats...if you go to Dover you are going to fly M's, if you go to Travis you will fly B's
  23. I'll be the POC for a X33 Order if we want to get one going.....
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