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Everything posted by skybert

  1. I’m happy to share, I’ll take the one on the left. I’m just proud of myself for beating you to it for once!
  3. I…..am so proud of you
  4. Good lord
  5. I know fedex had them on order but ended up canceling
  6. That’s all that matters
  7. “Read this, it will tell you everything you need to know about engine failures in a multi”
  8. I’m a serial thriller
  9. Fine, I’ll say it. dibs
  10. Elon musk was a nazi rocket scientist! In late ‘44 they knew the allies were unstoppable so he volunteered to be cryogenically frozen! A group of nazi spies scoured the United States looking for a child they could groom….. his name is Donald. They did a test run in ‘16, then in ‘24 they selectively poisoned the water supplies on millions of people, including those with private wells. They made enough nazi zombies to tilt the election and here we are!!! Liberals would eat this up
  11. And a member of the E4 mafia as vice president, I love it!
  12. She might have higher standards
  13. Goose! I can’t reach the handle, you’re gonna have to punch us out…… I'm tryin!!
  14. That’ll look good in your favorite gay bar
  15. Castro’s kid is unemployed
  16. Well considering it was January 1st, that gives a lot of gayer attempts to beat it
  17. My hero
  18. And allows Trump to have a stack of “self pardons” on his desk.
  19. Because the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree?
  20. Tell me you’re a family of slime bags without telling me you’re a family of slime bags.. At least the laptop story was fake……..right?
  21. I would expect nothing less.
  22. Well….. mine hasn’t shaved her head (yet) at least….
  23. Dibs
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