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Everything posted by skybert

  1. I live in Michigan. I’m surrounded by idiots
  2. Its what the people voted for……
  3. This is what the democrats want…
  4. Dumb question. What are the differences between the KC-46 and the KC-767? I haven’t heard any bad things about the ‘67
  5. Ohhhhhhh, she had qualifications
  6. I fly my 172 by myself all the time, never a problem
  7. Got super tired last Wednesday and had a cough. Mama hounded me to take the test. Yep, ‘rona. A little whipped mowing the lawn Saturday, but now I’m back to being my normal dumbass self.
  8. Not a damn thing is going to happen.
  9. Corporate pilot, the libs have no problem jumping in their planes and making sure their rules have convent loopholes.
  10. Been listening, really enjoy!
  11. Wet……dream
  12. Plus free crack pipes! Biden 2024
  13. God, I hope so
  14. A hero to the left
  15. Nothing, not a damn thing will come of it. They are the party of perverts and hypocrites
  16. So how do we know who’s a threat? I constantly see new stories of small planes being intercepted but that’s as far as it goes. Not that I think they should all get shout out of the sky…..
  17. Sounds like the title of a dos gringos song
  18. Carrier based?
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