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Everything posted by skybert

  1. Thank you taxpayers
  2. I threw up in a -141 once, should put it on my resume?
  3. They don’t fu*****ing care.
  4. Starting at the top.
  5. The American voter: “ just got my welfare increased, and the government says I don’t have to pay my rent” . In my state (MIchigan) the governor says if you get a DUI, don’t worry about it, we’ll make it go away. buying those votes over giving a shit about anyone who gets off their ass and contributes anything. The ones who voted these people into office could care less about the sacrifices the military has made.
  6. You know it’s bad when CNN questions their chosen one.
  7. I imagine China bombarding Taiwan and the other pacific countries with pics and video, “this is what happens when you trust the United States”
  8. Looks like I’m a threat to the nation, even though I wore the uniform for ten years.
  9. She’s branded a greater hero for quitting than any of you will ever be for serving this country. that’s sad.
  10. I agree
  11. My cessna 172 has dual Garmin G5’s and I can do LPV approaches all day long. Crazy you guys can’t
  12. Like that matters
  13. 2 outta 3 ain’t bad.....
  14. Next time, arm the helo and shoot back
  15. As a former Marine, I can heartily agree to that! I’ve never before and never after have been in a situation where everyone was truly equal, for better or for worse.
  16. You got this, stay focused but relaxed.
  17. Abolish laws and everyone in the city is instantly innocent.
  18. She’s the one I’d actually feel good voting for
  19. Me and my friends up here are just ignoring the bitch and enjoying our lives.
  20. I live in Michigan as well, our governor has gone well beyond executive power
  21. I am dumbfounded at how the police have turned against the citizens here in Michigan. I’ve lost all respect.
  22. Take your kids to work day
  23. Hunt every one of these animals down and kill them, period
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