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Pitt4401 last won the day on August 19 2024

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  1. Thanks for the link, It's brutal to read the preliminary data. I know it is frowned upon to speak ill of the dead, but every time I read news articles where friends of the deceased Blackhawk aircrew are described as 'seasoned' or 'diligent,' it is nauseating. Should the DCA controller done a better job? Sure. But it's mind-numbing that the BH crew wouldn't have been extra cautious about altitude while close to such a busy airport.
  2. Read that same news article, the dildo of consequence is about to arrive to Army aviation
  3. While that very well maybe true, let's not forget that some SF Airmen are fully dedicated to the craft. I am reminded of the SF bike cop (apparently we used to have those) who biked over a mile to the reports of an active shooter... then engaged from 50+ yards with an M-9 against a dude with a MAK-90, and won. Not trying to do a total thread derail, but a piece of history with remembering. https://www.police1.com/active-shooter/articles/10-lessons-from-the-fairchild-afb-shooting-11AZrSqTp4IM3diw/
  4. https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-transyouth-outcomes/ I remember I just about fell out of my chair when I read this piece of actual journalism from a large outlet. It's the only instance of honest discussion I can find when discussing the proliferation of trans issues. It really shows how much of a bind a person can be in, if they've bought the propaganda, made the transition only to learn virtue signaling physicians permanently altered they body into a shoddy copy of something they'll never truly be. I have to chuckle when folks assume the absolute inviolability of the trans identity. It's like these same folks can't fathom that yes, some young people dabble in things, and sometimes dabble right back out (are we still allowed to call temporary college lesbians 'four year queers'?)
  5. Nevermind the fact that LAF-A is twice the size than some of the other Devcats you are referencing...
  6. I'm not usually a fan of Gaetz and his tirades. But he hit a solid HR on this one.
  7. Well Done Airman
  8. Oh to be a fly on the wall of the women's officer FB page... Simmering rage would be my guess
  9. In case you needed an example how a senior leader (who tangled with POTUS) should say farewell Considering the tensions of the time--it just goes to show how much of an ass Milley is.
  10. Dear shiny pennies, hope you like Maxwell "In totally unrelated news, our crowded seminar rooms are suddenly more spacious"
  11. What in the fresh hell is this? Dug out my card reader to look at the PSDM. That's it, I am longing for the old system now.
  12. https://www.politico.com/news/2023/05/04/biden-cq-brown-air-force-00095387
  13. Ref: The Air Guardsmen... Anyone want to take bets if his home unit still has his signed NDA on file? That'd be the first document I'd be asking for as defense counsel.
  14. Plot twist--the Ukrainians don't want the A-10. https://www.airforcemag.com/ukraine-says-it-needs-fast-and-versatile-aircraft-not-the-a-10/
  15. Yesterday's reflective belt is today's preferred pronouns in the email signature block.
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