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Crew Dawg

Crew Dawg (2/4)



  1. Bo Duke lives. https://jalopnik.com/5922904/heat+buckled-highway-causes-wild-dukes-of-hazzard-jump?popular=true
  2. My theory: The black shit that they created in order to wipe out the humans ended up backfiring on them. The black stuff was referred to as a biological WMD. It altered DNA in a way that seems to eventually result in the creation of xenomorphs--the ultimate killer. The goo worked a little too well a little too soon and xenomorphs attacked the Engineers. Who knows where the hell they went in the 2000 yr period of time from killing the engineers to when Prometheus showed up.
  3. Check Waterstone apartments. They were pet friendly. Also, don't use smiley faces like that. It comes across quite gay. If you must, use the BaseOps approved selection.
  4. 2. This is the kind of shit that gets debated ad nauseam in the forum my wife reads. That's more like it.
  5. We get along great. Though my experience so far is limited to the training squadron. The community is too small to play the who's who game. Seconding what others have already said, the best advice I can give as a goat to other future ABM types is to 1) know your role and put the effort in to be good at it, but 2) learn as much as you can about the duties of the other guys you fly with. There are some folks who really know their shit and have a wealth of knowledge to pick from. Especially the case at Robins with the dinosaur guard dudes. Lastly, don't be a Buddy F'er.
  6. Uh, wasn't looking that hard...
  7. Anyone that writes CBTs or briefings telling others, "If you reach out and be a pal, you can prevent suicide," has never had someone close to them commit suicide. I've lived that grief and carried the guilt of wondering if there's something I could have done or said. It took a long time before I finally accepted the fact that taking your own life is not something you can rationalize.
  8. Kick ass. My old man commanded the 116 ASOS a couple years back before he retired. I'll have to ask him about this guy.
  9. You don't need to pass depth perception for a Class 3 physical.
  10. And in 10 years, the kids that weren't offed in these villages will be looking for how to get their revenge. Hearts and minds.
  11. I'm an ABM at Robins. Feel free to PM with any questions you might have about the JSTARS side of the house.
  12. It's a fvcking game to most of the current legislators. The shenanigans and brinksmanship now seem to have become the god damn status quo. I don't think anything will change until something happens that does immediate and catastrophic damage to our country. I fear for that.
  13. Wow, that really blows. Here's hoping they get rid of that shit real quick before that virus spreads.
  14. Whitty


    Agreed, she's got spunk.
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