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Everything posted by whall85

  1. Five80 for coffee. And I would repeat UPT, from Day 1/Phase 1, to be able eat at Mama Titas again.
  2. A big '2' to that. Just... wow.
  3. In for one. Thanks for the craniums-up.
  4. Air Force Times is saying a J from the 774th EAS. Also saying 6 US dead. God damnit...
  5. Big "2" on this one.
  6. I would be interested in a potential HC-130P/N version as well, but damn - that's a buttload of cash.
  7. Just signed up with UShip and I already have a reasonable bid <12hrs after creating the shipment request. Legit! In the interest of saving cash, I might just rent a car carrier from Penske (I'm already renting a 22' moving truck with them) and winch it up there. You're exactly right, though; I need a trailer/car carrier of my own for the M3.
  8. The car is registered, insured and intact, just not running (didn't keep up with the maintenance during PIQ like I should've...). And not sure if it makes a difference, but I've been on TDY orders since the beginning of PIQ, and will remain on said TDY orders thru MPIQ at KABQ. I know that the gov't won't pay for any part of the move, so I was more or less wondering if anyone had any recent success with shipping an inoperative vehicle.
  9. Anyone have any updated gouge on car shipping? The last mention of it came from a reply in 2005... Looking to ship a non-running project race car from Little Rock to Kirtland. Any info would be appreciated.
  10. Welcome to the team. If you have any questions with anything, lemme know. -Will
  11. A T-38 bro in my class dropped them to Canon earlier this month. His fiancé is not exactly stoked.
  12. Awesome! Thanks the for the info.
  13. Copy all. To rephrase my second paragraph: When the time comes (sts), is there any way an FAA examiner can bar me from taking the ATP Practical checkride because I completed my ATP written prior to earning a commercial license?
  14. Gents, I'm just finishing up UPT and I was wondering about the necessity of having my commercial, instrument (w/ME add-on) and Beech 400 type ratings PRIOR to taking the ATP written. I have heard a TON of conflicting reports -- some folks are saying that anyone can take the written, and some are saying that the post-UPT Mil Comp test (effectively netting me a commercial license) should be done prior to taking the ATP written. Those same folks who push for the Mil Comp tests are saying a grey area exists with FAA ATP practical examiners. Apparently, some examiners will NOT honor an applicant's written test, if they see that the commercial license is earned AFTER the ATP written test is taken. Others say the timeline doesn't matter. Can anyone offer any clarification on this?
  15. VN 14-12: T-38s F-15 -- Seymour Johnson F-16 -- Holloman (x2) CV-22 -- Hurlburt F-16 -- Turkey T-6 FAIP T-1s C-17 -- Charleston (x2) C-17 -- McChord C-17 -- McChord (AFRC) C-17 -- McGuire (AFRC) KC-135 -- Fairchild KC-135 -- McConnell C-130J -- Ramstein C-130J -- Little Rock HC-130J -- Moody HC-130P/N -- Westhampton Beach, NY (ANG) HC-130P/N -- JB Elmendorf-Richardson (ANG) C-130H -- Yokota C-130H -- Peoria, IL (ANG) C-130H -- Charlotte, NC (ANG) U-28 -- Hurlburt
  16. VN 14-11: T-38s F-22 -- Tyndall A-10 -- DM F-16 -- Holloman F-15C -- Klamath Falls F-15SA -- Saudi Arabia T-1s C-5M -- Dover KC-135 -- RAF Mildenhall HC-130J -- DM MC-130J -- Kadena C-130J -- Ramstein U-28 -- Canon C-17 -- McChord C-21 -- Andrews KC-135 x 2 (Guard/Reserve) C-130H (Reserve) RC-135 -- Offutt T-6 FAIP
  17. I was 13-02 and we lost a guy Week 5. Apparently, he was 1 sit-up shy of the mins TD01 and then again on TD35 (or whatever). They aren't kidding.
  18. Just checked with recruiting at my base. Apparently, there has to be a shortage of the Officer AFSC you are entering into at the BASE level, AND it has to be on the National Critical AFSC list. YMMV, though.
  19. 2.
  20. So, should those of us with orders expect to have them cancelled? I've already gotten a few calls from AMS buddies who've had theirs cancelled... Some guys (including me) have class dates next month.
  21. Yes. In my case, I re-enlisted into my unit almost 8 months before there was any movement on my package. I got my dates in June of 2012, and I re-enlisted in July 2011. So, 11 months or so to get AMS, UPT, etc dates. See above. Then prepare yourself for many years of near-continuous frustration. The military is not a place where anything is done in a timely, nor sensible fashion. My Dates: Hired: July 2011 Dates Released: June 2012 AMS: Oct-Dec 2012 IFS: Feb-Mar 2013 UPT: June 2013-July 2014 Little Rock: TBD Kirtland: TBD SERE: TBD Water Survival: TBD
  22. As unlikely as it is, I was wondering about this as well. I was given a 5 MAR date for my FC1. I was sworn into my unit in September. +/- 7 months to get the CHANCE to get medically qualified?? Apparently the NYNGB is saying that only a certain number of candidates per "group" can have had LASIK/PRK. And apparently, MFS has completely met their quota for RS candidates until March. I (respectfully) call shenanigans! Isn't there someone I can call to verify this "policy?" Anyone else had this kind of delay?
  23. When one plans terrorist operations against US citizens, on US soil. Whether or not the exact verbiage exists in codified law should be irrelevant. You wanna target Americans? You deserve to eat a Hellfire.
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