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Everything posted by whall85

  1. +1 "Hey, look! A mass of the flesh-hungry undead! Let's go say 'Hi!'" or "Wow! Check out those sweet earth-shattering explosions! Let's run straight for them!"
  2. "3" 100% hooked!
  3. My apologies for resurrecting an old(er) thread, but I figured it better to search and drudge up an old thread than to create a new one. If anyone can give me an analysis of my latest (5 August 2010... My 6-month post-WFG PRK checkup) prescription, I'd appreciate it. I've tried to apply goducks methodology for calculating myopia and astigmatism, but I wanted to post to make sure I'm doing it right. OD - Sph: Plano CX: +.050 x 080 OS - Sph: Plano CX: +.050 x 090 Am I still in good shape for a RS Waiver?
  4. Of course knowing that every unit is different and that the NGB moves at a dynamic pace, would you say it was 3-4 months before you were actually proof-positive that you were going to ANGOTS & UPT?
  5. How long did it take for you to be officially hired? I only ask because I was told that I would have to undergo a commissioning physical at my unit (Andrews AFB) and other batteries of paperwork before I would be officially sworn in. Is this similar to what you went through? My "dates" so far: Selected for FY'12 UPT slot - 28 September Released from IRR (Inactive Ready Reserve) - 08 October ANGOTS - ?? IFS - ?? UPT - ??
  6. I JUST converted my DC 10-76 to GA specs using this kit: My link Scroll down to the bottom of the page to "Military Headset Conversion Kits". IIRC, this site has a bunch of mil->GA kits; just look around and find your specific headset. Cheers, Will
  7. As someone who just finished his 2-year involuntary enlistment, trust me when I say it's very possible... Edit - OP, If you have specific questions, PM me. I had a feeling making my AFROTC experience public was not the best idea, as the post was worded poorly and easily misinterpreted. jcollins, nothing against your post, but I feel more comfortable talking with the OP mano y mano. Cheers, Will
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