I saw it a couple days ago. Before I say how it was, I'll say this: any movie that's a remake of a John Wayne film and doesn't have John Wayne in it is going to unequivocally pale in comparison. No actor, special effect, director, cast, or script will ever be able to replace the Duke. Yeah, I'm preaching to the choir.
True Grit was pretty damn good. I wasn't sure what to expect. I'm a big fan of the Coens and the Dude never disappoints, but I was afraid the film might drag; it didn't. The acting was stellar, the dialogue was awesome, and the writing was decidedly epic. The last variable I was concerned about, as I'm sure all of you were, was Matt Damon. Luckily, Fatty Matty played the role of a douche bag, so it was very fitting. All in all, I'd give it an 8.5/10. Definitely worth the watch.