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  1. OK… so after my USAF retirement I really missed being around airplanes; and I was MX, not even a pilot, so I joined the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA, the guys who host OSH each year) local chapter. No, it’s not even close to being the same thing, but an airplane an airplane so it’ll do. It just so happens that we are remodeling an old avionics repair shop in the small hangar where the chapter is located into a… err… um… “pilot’s lounge”. While 95% of the members are civilian pilots we do have a lot of vets and this room will be very similar to those “heritage rooms” seen in many USAF flying squadrons but with a more civilian/general aviation slant. The problem is we need a name and some pretty lame ideas have been thrown out with the only somewhat clever one being the “IMC Lounge” (remember we’re talking about mostly older day VFR guys here) . Mostly everyone here is pretty smart so I know you guys can throw a bone (STS) and help me out. Ideas anyone? On a cool note, in early June we are hosting a 3 day visit from a B-17. Ground tours and rides available! And yes, I’m shelling out the elephant dollars for a once in a lifetime chance to fly in a B-17.
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