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Found 3 results

  1. Hey guys, I am looking for advice on what to expect or do if I fail my flight physical. I got selected for CSO for OT1903 and I am completing my SF86 before my physical can be scheduled sometime this spring. I did not do so hot on my color vision pip test at MEPS and was wondering what will happen if I fail this during my flight physical (below a score of 55 on CCT, non-waiverable)? Would I be offered another position? or not able to go rated entirely? Would they offer me something non-rated? Thanks for your input!
  2. https://www.12ftw.af.mil/News/Article-Display/Article/1724030/back-to-basics-for-csos-running-long-deep-fast/fbclid/IwAR2mfhtYeJRXRh2XaVLYMQ9UWxYjJ6-EuyxN5JWtXT5O9ZSeBkUHqeLjS7g/
  3. Baseops, I'm trying to finish my Master's and I'm writing on the effects of transitioning the Air Battle Manager syllabus to entirely simulators. No one has advocated that course of action but I want to research the effects of using more simulation for pilot, navigator, and EWO training to see if I could draw any conclusions or parallels. My question is has anyone seen/read/have any recommendations on literature I could review that deals with the effects of moving commercial or military aviation to more simulators and less live fly? Waldo
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