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Well, if we are bringing back bases....Bergstrom AFB, TX.....Austin in the summer is ca-rrraaazeeee.


Why would you say Wurtsmith over KI, or even Kincheloe? Better sledding, better ladies (NMU and LSSU), cheep living, better hunting and fishing, better bars in da UP, eh.

Why would you say Wurtsmith over KI, or even Kincheloe? Better sledding, better ladies (NMU and LSSU), cheep living, better hunting and fishing, better bars in da UP, eh.

Visiting the UP is one thing, but living is another. Not to mention a lot of Yoopers see themselves as Canadians more than anything else...

Guest Jimmy
Posted (edited)
Visiting the UP is one thing, but living is another. Not to mention a lot of Yoopers see themselves as Canadians more than anything else...

I used to fly up to Iron Mountain in the mornings, spend the day there on crew rest and then fly to Lansing, but while I was there, I can affirm that a Wal*Mart in IM probably had the least good looking, dare I say ugliest women I have ever seen in my life. I don't know what kind of inbreeding has to go on for women to look that ugly. Seriously.

Not to say all yooper chicks are hideous. It's completely possible to hook up with some nice looking ladies in the UP, but they're probably tourists.

Edited by Jimmy

I was just comparing da UP to Wurtsmith...I never thought Oscoda had as much going for it. In keeping with the thread topic though, I'd take either over Barkatraz or Mindrot. Now that I think of it, one thing I'd love to see brought back is JOC night at Mather.

Vance Zider is a badass.


I agree to that as well. He was my ROTC commander back in 98...@ Texas Tech. I clearly remember this one day when I was driving home and saw him running through the campus, which was a normal occurance. However, as most days go in West TX, the wind had to be blowing close to 60 knots that day...and he was running directly into the wind. Again, badass.

For any booms on here, do you guys check the parachutes prior to T/O? Just curious.

I check to see if the number of parachutes match the number on the Form 46.

  • 3 years later...
Guest schwabbeau

I check to see if the number of parachutes match the number on the Form 46.

Form 46: "Parachutes - 0"

Boom: "Yep, still no chutes!"

  • Upvote 1
  • Downvote 3

Form 46: "Parachutes - 0"

Boom: "Yep, still no chutes!"

Have you been waiting 3 years to reply so the "still no chutes" would be funny?


Homestead AFB


Fridays at the O'club

Lingerie shows at the O'Club

Everyone going through UPT flies the T-38

Roosevelt Rhodes NAS

Patches on ABUs


Guest nsplayr

This thread. /irony

For realz: Buckley AFB, freaking sweet location between Denver and C-Springs. How about some UAVs to that place?


E6B whiz wheels. AF Form 70s. Ban FalconView. Cut up your own damn TPCs and make some shit happen by looking out the window.


E6B whiz wheels. AF Form 70s. Ban FalconView. Cut up your own damn TPCs and make some shit happen by looking out the window.

Agree with the "Looking out the window" thing...Choke yourself for the rest.

Posted (edited)

This thread. /irony

For realz: Buckley AFB, freaking sweet location between Denver and C-Springs. How about some UAVs to that place?

Buckley is right next to Denver Int'l. Really can't see that working out too well. Plus, why would the Air Force want to make UAV pilots happy?

Agreed that Buckley is badass. Then again, pretty much every space base is badass.

Major Space Bases:

Buckley - Denver

Schriever, Peterson, and Cheyenne - C Springs


Patrick/CCAFS - Cocoa Beach

Vandenberg - Eh...Santa Barbara

Plus other assignments to

Eglin, Beale,and Cape Cod

Not too shabby.

Edited by Gravedigger

Major Space Bases:

Schriever, Peterson, and Cheyenne - C Springs

Not too shabby.

Colorado Springs is not too shabby. Schriever... once you get to the top of Trash Can hill, you're in Western Kansas. The only good thing is that the portals have been replaced. Not too much else to recommend that base, and God have mercy on those in base housing.


and God have mercy on those in base housing.

I live in base housing. My wife tells me that we live in Kansas every day. It sure is nice in the winter driving home from a mid shift at 6am on ice though.


Bring back Navs.

Nah, just fooling.


The base next to Denver Intl was Lowry. Nice place with new construction, and then they closed it.

Bring back Carswell, and let the poor guy rest in peace on his base instead of moving him off.

Ban ABUs. This one-color-for-all-terrain is just plain stupid. I thought we figured that out in WWII.

Bring back morale patches.

They already brought back the shitty promotion rates for navs. Check.


Bring back Navs.

Nah, just fooling.

Bring back the F-111 and the SR-71......back of the bar paintings and the days before personal "call-signs"

Watch out there.....where compulsiveness treads....mania soon follows. For example, I am developing an all encompassing hatred for bicyclists.....but I don't mention it twice a day............just fooling


bring back England AFB, Homestead AFB, and RAF Bentwaters

Kill the JSF program

bring back Friday shenanigans

return the USAF to honoring its heritage

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