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SOS/ACSC information

Guest rumblefish_2

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I can't even imagine Azimuth - that dude embodies what is totally fucked at the "nearing senior leader" level and beyond. You know it's bad when someone like me who knows nothing about the dude other than that place always thought, "man, it must have really sucked hardcore to be in that guys Wing, SQ, etc."

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The best is when HE personally talks about toxic leadership. Apparently the FLT/CCs all take over/unders on how many times he uses the wing/sq/cc line per class.

Me and my buddies would set an over/under time on how long it would take him to mention being a Wing/CC. It usually sat somewhere between 3-5 minutes and the under hit more often than not.

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Me and my buddies would set an over/under time on how long it would take him to mention being a Wing/CC. It usually sat somewhere between 3-5 minutes and the under hit more often than not.

Checks.."bring a copy of your surf and your last opr and stop by my office for some feedback from a real, live former wing commander" ...yawn...huge proponent of the excellence in queep=excellence in the cockpit theory as well

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From his first time on stage I heard which commander he was and immediately changed the mental channel; 97 can lights are embedded into the ceiling of that dungeon. There were some Sq/cc's there that seemed to be drinking his koolaid though. They at least loved to hear themselves talk...

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Funny moment from SOS with the Commandant-in-question:

It was Day 1 or 2 of the course and he was giving his intro speech. He said words to the effect of "Take a look around, for 80% of you this will be your last in-residence PME experience"

Next to me was a SpecOps pilot who was silently shaking and pulling his fist in celebration...

I don't think our esteemed leader thought his words would have that effect.

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In the 314th? That's weird, because I know guys who were in a 17% category in his wing that got promoted. Perhaps you are thinking of the 19th?

Here's an excerpt of the email stating the results in 2012 at Team Little Rock. CZ's 314th brought the overall numbers down. The 19th did a little better. PM me if you want to talk names of the non-selects, some aren't a surprise. That being said, rumor has it that if you failed a PT test sometime in your career, CZ wouldn't give you a DP.


BL: Please find promotion rosters for the P0411D (Major LAF) and P0511C

boards in attachment.

IMPACT: LR promotion rate for P0411D, out of 41 IPZ, 30 were selected for

promotion; for a promotion rate of 73.7%. The Air Force rate for % selected

was 89.3% and the AMC rate was 88.6% (See "0411D Cons vs Sel" PDF).

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Don't forget, he is also a graduated OG/CC. Has he used that one too?

Luckily I didn't have the "luxury" of working for him when he was a Sq/CC, but I got screwed and had to work for him when he was an OG & Wg/CC. Sure was nice when he left...

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Funny moment from SOS with the Commandant-in-question:

It was Day 1 or 2 of the course and he was giving his intro speech. He said words to the effect of "Take a look around, for 80% of you this will be your last in-residence PME experience"

Next to me was a SpecOps pilot who was silently shaking and pulling his fist in celebration...

I don't think our esteemed leader thought his words would have that effect.

Heard that during three Blue Bedroom speeches and from the Flt/CC when I was at Sause. There was always a few of us who had that same reaction. That being said, some of those speeches were just stating the facts. At least twice thought it sounded like they were trying to make a point (a'la CZ). The only thing that I got out of that was that there is no guarantee that the 'best' 20% of those in the room would be back later in their career.

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Part of his in-processing brief as the EOG/CC. He talked about how he questioned that officer's integrity (didn't go into more detail) and "ended" him. Used it as an example in his "expectations" brief.

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My favorite CZ story was he got pissed at Salem, when he was a Sq/CC, that people were selling their issued equipment on the base's "for sale" use group on Outlook. So he sends out this long worded email about how that's illegal, etc.

Some FE hits reply all from CZ's and says he has a Camelback for sale in his room. He ended up with an LOR or something but everyone laughed and gave him props.

Edited by Azimuth
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The guy's clueless. If he was reading this thread he would probably think we were talking about someone else... And that my friend is the real problem.

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Oh no such luck. He makes it very clear in lecture 1 that he is a future General Officer and everyone else who has been the SOS commando got stars (plural). His humility is admirable.

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Somebody mentioned him creeping on stage when lectures ran over their allotted time..that was probably my favorite thing, watching people turn around to find him creeping about a foot behind them

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"Robin Olds wouldn't fit in today's Air Force"

is when he lost the other 20% of our class

Actually had to brief him one time and got the same feeling all of you are describing. I was not a fan immediately after he opened his mouth. Next Foglesong?

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