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Posted (edited)

I just picked up my Loaded Springfield 1911 this afternoon that I ordered from Budsgunshop.com. Sorry for the crappy pic but I just snapped a quick one with the phone. I will post up a better one once I get it cleaned and taken to the range this weekend.


Edited by cragspider

Nice! As many on here know, I'm a huge fan of the Springfield 1911s... :rock:

Cheers! M2


I just picked up my Loaded Springfield 1911 this afternoon that I ordered from Budsgunshop.com. Sorry for the crappy pic but I just snapped a quick one with the phone. I will post up a better one once I get it cleaned and taken to the range this weekend.

Nice man! Did you get it off their law enforcement section? I love buying from buds and other online sites...much cheaper than the local shops, and even gun shows for that matter.


Nice man! Did you get it off their law enforcement section? I love buying from buds and other online sites...much cheaper than the local shops, and even gun shows for that matter.

Thanks. No I didn't get it off their LEO site. They didn't have any on there at all or else I would have. It's still cheaper than buying from the local gun store. It did come with the loaded coupon so I might use it to buy a few more mags from SA, to bad I can't get some XD one's with it though. If not mags from SA then what is a good aftermarket mag?

Posted (edited)

Realize that 1911s are a finicky pistol so what works in one pistol may not work in another. That being said, the following magazines are the most successful and well made: Chip McCormick Power Mags, Wilson Combat 47Ds, Tripp Research. Expect to pay more money than the cheaper mags but you will be better off in the long run. The magazines supplied to Colt for their 1911s are also pretty decent. They're Checkmate Industries. Look for the ones with the dimpled follower and hybrid or GI style feedlips.

I would recommend the 3 latter before the Checkmate mags. You can find them on Brownells for a decent price. Once you log into your account you will get an automatic price drop. MidwayUSA and Top Gun Supply should also have them. The three of sites are all priced competitively so it usually comes down to how much shipping will be.

ETA: Tripp magazines are only sold through the manufacturer.

Edited by Timbonez

Anyone have any good recommendations for a smaller rifle for beginners? I want to get my fiancee something for her to begin to get comfortable around guns but because of her height and small frame, 4'11'' and maybe 98lbs it is a little tricky having her use my rifles. I was thinking possibly something the youths use or maybe a small .22? Anything with a smaller barrel and less kick. I was looking at maybe the Remington Model Five compact but have heard that a CZ 452 might be better in the long run.


Anyone have any good recommendations for a smaller rifle for beginners? I want to get my fiancee something for her to begin to get comfortable around guns but because of her height and small frame, 4'11'' and maybe 98lbs it is a little tricky having her use my rifles. I was thinking possibly something the youths use or maybe a small .22? Anything with a smaller barrel and less kick. I was looking at maybe the Remington Model Five compact but have heard that a CZ 452 might be better in the long run.



Anyone have any good recommendations for a smaller rifle for beginners? I want to get my fiancee something...

This will be a hard question to answer without seeing some pictures first.


Anyone have any good recommendations for a smaller rifle for beginners? I want to get my fiancee something for her to begin to get comfortable around guns but because of her height and small frame, 4'11'' and maybe 98lbs it is a little tricky having her use my rifles. I was thinking possibly something the youths use or maybe a small .22? Anything with a smaller barrel and less kick. I was looking at maybe the Remington Model Five compact but have heard that a CZ 452 might be better in the long run.

Besides posting the required pic of said fiancee, I would go look at the Ruger 10/22. Great gun and a blast to shoot.


This will be a hard question to answer without seeing some pictures first.


You're welcome. :thumbsup:


Anyone have any good recommendations for a smaller rifle for beginners? I want to get my fiancee something for her to begin to get comfortable around guns but because of her height and small frame, 4'11'' and maybe 98lbs it is a little tricky having her use my rifles. I was thinking possibly something the youths use or maybe a small .22? Anything with a smaller barrel and less kick. I was looking at maybe the Remington Model Five compact but have heard that a CZ 452 might be better in the long run.

Do you have an AR-15?

If so just buy a 22LR conversion for it. $100 bucks later you got a great plinker for your lady.

Guest nsplayr

Can't go wrong with the classic Ruger 10/22.


Henry and Rossi both make excellent youth rifles. I especially like Rossi's .22/.410 combo (single shot breakover barrel).


Givin' it a shot (pun intended)

Not much of a shotgun guy - bird hunting/skeet are usually beyond my eye-hand coordination (I'da been a horrible AAA gunner), but for home defense or camping, I can see a real use for them so I have one.

Afer seeing a side by side in a gun store, I decided I wanted it, so now I have two shotguns.

I picked up one of these Friday:


not my photo

for a decent price.

It's a Stoeger 20ga. coach gun. The company is the importer; this one is actually made in Brazil.

It's not expensive and I didn't want to go deep in the wallet for a classy side by side until I knew if I liked them or not.

So I spent yesterday doing my annual self-qualification on my home 12ga. pump and this.

The quality of this gun is pretty good; the stock and fore-grip are hardwood/walnut(maybe) with good checkering and the metal is smooth with no tooling marks and the blueing very good. So for looks and craftsmenship, I'm happy with the gun.

It has a 20" barrel, gold bead sight, and I went for the single trigger instead of the traditional two triggers for a SxS. It's a handy little gun, short, easy to manuever/manipulate. It takes a couple of seconds to reload so not having multi-rounds shouldn't be that much of an issue in an emergency. (If you've fired off two rounds of buck and the bad guy is still coming and not cowering/hightailing out, it's gonna be a bad day anyway...IMO)

My thought for getting this gun was as a basement-level ready piece, a leave it in the truck piece (when I move and get a truck again) or a camping piece. In other words, something I don't mind if it gets nicked/dinged, etc, as long as it works when I need it to. I think this shotgun will do that.

As to shooting it, it works fine. Kicks pretty hard, however. Worse than my 12ga, but then that's got a recoil pad and this doesn't. Definitely could use one, but then I start to defeat the purpose of a short, handy gun with some "oomph" behind it so I probably won't put one on it.

Reviews of these coach guns show folks using them for birds, clays, and for cowboy shooting. I can see that easily with this and without breaking the bank. I also see where bikers like it because it can break down in a couple of seconds (true) and be easily stored for traveling on such. That won't ever be me, but I like it well enough.

Not enough to spend a grand or more for a true, classy English double-barrel, but for my purposes and as a "let's see" purchase, I'm good with it.

My shoulder hurts this morning.

Posted (edited)

Don't know if anyone's in the market for an M11/Sig 229, but these are the best prices I've seen. Link

ETA: I know the M11 is the 228, but they are essentially similar.

Edited by HU&W
Posted (edited)

HU&W, your link goes to the SIG P250 and 2022. I have no personal experience with either pistol, but I have heard and read that the 2022 is a good pistol for it's price point, and it should have been the polymer handgun SIG focused on over the years over the abortion that is the P250. The P250 was supposed to be the Federal Air Marshals' new handgun, but after it won the contract the FAMs were experiencing massive reliability problems. They have since been crated and the FAMs have moved back to their old P229s last I heard. SIG's CEO, Ron Cohen, is the responsible party from the company's shift in making quality weapons to producing crap for the past 6 years. Their focus has changed from QC to marketing a new :rainbow: finish and buying cheap parts from third world countries. Ron Cohen was Kimber's CEO prior to SIG's and he ran Kimber's reputation from a quality, competitively priced 1911 to the shit that they are today.


Beyond that, SIG has decided it's a good idea to compete with itself. They are currently selling the SIG 516, their own shitty AR with a piston setup. They are also selling the SIG 556, a piston operated rifle that's supposed to be akin to the venerable 55x series of rifles.

Last year the BATFE was looking to procure a new service sidearm for it's agents. The three competitors were SIG Sauer, Smith & Wesson, and Glock. SIG failed, specifically in reliability, and the contract was awarded to both Glock and S&W. SIG of course protested the results stating "[t]he crux of Sig Sauer's argument is that the SSB members focused on the number of stoppages the shooters encountered, instead of the actual ratings and comments provided by the shooters, and equated a high number of stoppages with unreliability‑‑even where the shooters had not made this connection." Here is another gem from the report "Sig Sauer also contends that ATF placed too great an emphasis upon reliability in determining which offers should continue to phase III." Really? Too great an emphasis on reliability? You have got to be fucking kidding me. The report can be found here.

I own 3 SIGs myself: a German made P225 for the Frau, a German made P228, and an American made P220 Carry. I'll keep the two German SIGs and I plan on selling the P220 Carry. If you read my review on the P220 Carry, you'll know I had great success with it. It has a mere 1400 rounds through it without a failure, but the road the US based SIG is taking is looking bleak.


Edited by Timbonez


Saw the above post about classic 10-22s. I wasn't shooting mine as much as I'd like, so I wanted to make it into something that was different and the ladies would enjoy to shoot. I bought this stock, took a dremel to the inside at fit the receiver and barrel in there. Made a linkage from the forward trigger back to the 10-22 trigger. The magazines (25rd steel lips) stick out of the bottom where the real P90's ejection port is. Took a little bit of tweaking, but works great. Put this cheap ass red dot on it and love it.


I am going to learn how to use a firearm this summer and I am wondering if any of you guys have a lot of experience with a Colt 38. I am mostly worried about recoil because I do not want to be that dumbass that gets on Youtube because I got hit in the nose with the barrel on the kickback. Also, would learning how to shoot a Colt 38 be beneficial for what we learn how to fire in Field Training?


I am going to learn how to use a firearm this summer and I am wondering if any of you guys have a lot of experience with a Colt 38. I am mostly worried about recoil because I do not want to be that dumbass that gets on Youtube because I got hit in the nose with the barrel on the kickback. Also, would learning how to shoot a Colt 38 be beneficial for what we learn how to fire in Field Training?

Just hold onto the thing. Unless you are a 90 lb bitch you aren't going to get smacked in the head provided you can hold onto something.

And in my experience, no previous experience will help you at FT. I am a pretty avid pistol shooter and the M9 they gave me at FT was such a POS it didn't matter. Probably had about 20,000 rounds through it. If you don't get qual at FT you should have another chance before you deploy.

  • Upvote 1

Just saw this in a local gun store today.

A Mossberg 500 with a chainsaw handle.... from the factory. WTF.


Only if it was full-auto, with a drum... :gun:

Cheers! M2

Guest FullOtto
Posted (edited)

Spent my Pre 4th of July blasting and Gunkoting 15 AKs.

Coworker did the blasting, I did the airbrushing. This is how C-130 guys roll :airforce:

Burned out and tired. 1 gun, ok, 2 guns is neat but 15 for the sake of not cleaning up every time? Never again.





most fit, still warm from oven, like baking SOVIET COOKEE.


Edited by FullOtto

Whoa! Wait! You get to Dobroslavtsi, and have access to AKs (plus parts and accessories)?

We've got to talk, my new friend! :drinking:

Actually, I think I recognize you from GunBoards, right?

Cheers! M2

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