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Some news agencies in Texas are following suit from their New York counterparts and publishing gun owners' addresses...:


  • Upvote 7

How long will this ammo shortage last? I thought for sure Wolf or Tula would run their factory 24/7 to meet the demand. I'm down to my last 2,000 rounds of .223 and 500 of 9MM, getting nervous, guess I better start rationing it.


Prices are up a little, but most of the local gun shops have .223 for around $.70 per round. Not great but not bad. 9mm here is still available and in the $.25 range for target stuff.


Prices are up a little, but most of the local gun shops have .223 for around $.70 per round. Not great but not bad. 9mm here is still available and in the $.25 range for target stuff.

.70 is about double what I usually pay for .223. Found some 9MM for a reasonable price but it is excess Pakistani Army, not sure of quality so I did not but it yet.


.70 is about double what I usually pay for .223. Found some 9MM for a reasonable price but it is excess Pakistani Army, not sure of quality so I did not but it yet.

If you take time to aim, you can use half as many rounds, and then it becomes cost neutral. :thumbsup:

In all seriousness though, I'm used to around .50-.55 per round for .223. Although it's good to have availability even with a 40% price increase, now might be the time to start reloading.


If you take time to aim, you can use half as many rounds, and then it becomes cost neutral. :thumbsup:

In all seriousness though, I'm used to around .50-.55 per round for .223. Although it's good to have availability even with a 40% price increase, now might be the time to start reloading.

Good luck finding powder and primers. Fucking politicians.


Posted (edited)
Oh shit, this is gonna get even more costly for the Journal News... https://newyork.newsd...-home-1.4441678 "A White Plains residence pinpointed on a controversial handgun permit database was burglarized Saturday, and the burglars' target was the homeowner's gun safe."

From the article

Although some good-government groups have come to the defense of the White Plains-based newspaper, some elected officials, including State Sen. Greg Ball (R-Patterson, have complained the permit map could aid criminals.

If the connection is proven, this is further proof that these maps are not only an invasion of privacy but that they present a clear and present danger to law-abiding, private citizens Ball said Sunday in a statement.

On Monday, Ball will introduce a third bill into the state Legislature intended to keep the names of those who have gun permits private.

Senator Ball is a USAFA grad - he's been on Fox news a lot lately...

Edited by BigFreddie

For the Kalashnikov enthusiasts on here, the wife dragged me out grocery shopping and as usual I went wandering around on my own.

But I'm glad I went, as I saw this one the magazine rack...


According to Harris Publishing's Facebook page, it shouldn't be out until 22 January; but I snagged two copies (one for home, one for the office!).

Cheers! M2

Guest nsplayr

Biden talks to House Dems about his recommended Executive actions for Obama. For those fearing the worst:

“It was all focusing on enforcing existing law, administering things like improving the background database, things like that that do not involve a change in the law but enforcing and making sure that the present law is administered as well as possible,” said Rep. Bobby Scott (D-Va.).

Nsplayr, you still have yet to explain yourself--why do you still politically support a guy who wants to limit your freedoms? The President has told everyone what he wants, regardless of whether he gets what he wants or not. Is his liberal agenda more important to you than your freedoms and liberties?

Guest nsplayr
Posted (edited)

Nsplayr, you still have yet to explain yourself--why do you still politically support a guy who wants to limit your freedoms? The President has told everyone what he wants, regardless of whether he gets what he wants or not. Is his liberal agenda more important to you than your freedoms and liberties?

I've been over this with you via PM but just to reiterate to the world: I am able to support a person (and a party) politically even when I do not 100% agree with their policies or viewpoints. This is a quality seemingly lacking in many conservatives (and maybe a few hard-left liberals) today who continually seek new levels of ideological purity over meaningful electoral victory. There's no additional explanation necessary.

In addition, it's tiring and in my view pointless to try to psychoanalyze other board members and/or really give two sh*ts what they think. In the end, none of us are in Congress (well, one member is), none of us are the President, we each get one vote and the same number of hours in the day to lobby our representatives to vote in our interest. If you want to know what a person thinks on an issue, ask them, and if they care to respond they will.

Since you're dying to know my views WRT the renewed gun control debate, I don't support a new AWB, I'm skeptical a high-cap magazine ban would really have any effect, I do support universal background checks, stricter sentencing for crimes committed with illegal guns, and support most efforts to boost mental health services and security in schools. I'm also fairly confient that combination of actions is what is likely to be implemented by Congress and/or Executive action based on the current political scene in D.C.

There you have it, for all the non-HeloDude folks who were holding their breath on where I stood... /sarcasm

Back to your regularly scheduled programming...

Edited by nsplayr

Seven rounds....only seven rounds, who the hell thought that one up. :pissed:

The next President of the United States.


(or at least a Democrat candidate...)


Just the pathetic response I expected out of the current administration. I don't care how you justify it to yourself to support that party, nsplayr; but I have zero respect for anyone who so blatantly feels they can bypass the legislative process and wipe their ass with the freedoms of the citizens of this country, as well as anyone who supports or even worse, defends them.

  • Upvote 8

Reading the press reports of Obama's EO, he is basically making it illegal to do the illegal actions such as 'straw buying.'

Unless, of course, you work in the ATFE.

But, he was seen to be doing something. Just as he was seen to be doing something for Hurricane Sandy. Which is FUBAR'd still.

Just as he was by appearing in the Rose Garden after a US ambassador was killed in Libya - on his way to Andrews to fly to Vegas for fund-raising.

Just as he was seen to be doing during the bin Laden raid. Never mind the leak of classified information.

Just as he was seen to be doing during the Gulf Oil spill. Walking along the beach meant so much while 100 days of devastation occurred.

Just as he did when signing his FIRST EO to close Guantenemo Bay prison.

But it 'feels good.'

nsplayer, I get it. You don't like everything Barry is doing, but he's your horse.

I definitely didn't like everything W. did, but he beat the alternatives of Gore and Kerry.

I wonder how long until New York's law is challenged and how far it will go up the judicial chain?


Look at this little gem from the legislation NY will pass today....simply unfathomable! What is happening to this country?

"Ammunition magazines would be restricted to seven bullets, from the current 10, and current owners of higher-capacity magazines would have a year to sell them out of state. An owner caught at home with eight or more bullets in a magazine could face a misdemeanor charge."

  • Upvote 1

Typical New York, the same state that blames all its crime on its neighboring states...

Right now I am trying to find out if a recent extension in the Law Enforcement Officer Safety Act of 2004 to include military police will apply to me, as I was a SP augmentee back in my early enlisted days. In a nutshell...

On January 2, 2013, President Obama signed the 2013 National Defense Authorization Act which contains an amendment to the LEOSA. Specifically it states that a former police officer or LEO with either the statutory power of arrest or power of apprehension under the UCMJ is now permitted to carry concealed firearms under the LEOSA.

LEOSA, also known as H.R. 218, allows current and former LEOs to carry concealed firearms throughout the United States, regardless of individual State concealed carry laws.

Obviously, since this is a recent change, it will take the DoD a while to catch up. It will have to issue some type of credential to qualifying individuals. Once the applicable regulation, DoDI 5525.12, Implementation of the Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act of 2004, is updated to reflect these changes, I'll know if my credentials will allow me to qualify.

If it did, that would kick ass as I could conceal carry in NY regardless of their silly laws!

Cheers! M2

Posted (edited)

Look at this little gem from the legislation NY will pass today....simply unfathomable! What is happening to this country?

"Ammunition magazines would be restricted to seven bullets, from the current 10, and current owners of higher-capacity magazines would have a year to sell them out of state. An owner caught at home with eight or more bullets in a magazine could face a misdemeanor charge."

Sweet. I'm going to sit on GunBroker and wait for all the used 10 rd mags to pop up. GMAFB.

EDIT: Take note: heavy dose of sarcasm.

Edited by Spoo

An owner caught at home with eight or more bullets in a magazine could face a misdemeanor charge.

So... keep your 15-round mags, be sure to fire at least 8 rounds at any intruder, and when the cops show up, show them your magazine with only 7 rounds in it. No problem.

"2" on the "what is happening?" sentiment....


Look at this little gem from the legislation NY will pass today....simply unfathomable! What is happening to this country?

"Ammunition magazines would be restricted to seven bullets, from the current 10, and current owners of higher-capacity magazines would have a year to sell them out of state. An owner caught at home with eight or more bullets in a magazine could face a misdemeanor charge."

So is 7+1 still legal then?

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