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Reviving this thread! So if one was wanting to apply to guard and reserve units and wanted to have the ETP in place before submitting packages  (I'm on active duty and plan to route it through my chain) would you need a separate one for the guard and the reserve? It sounds like the NGB has to weigh in on the ETP and I'm assuming the final signing authority would be different for ANG vs AFR and AD AF. 

Reviving this thread! So if one was wanting to apply to guard and reserve units and wanted to have the ETP in place before submitting packages  (I'm on active duty and plan to route it through my chain) would you need a separate one for the guard and the reserve? It sounds like the NGB has to weigh in on the ETP and I'm assuming the final signing authority would be different for ANG vs AFR and AD AF. 

I recently read the AFRC flying training guide (not sure of the exact document name) that I found on the AFRC/A3 Sharepoint page. It reads as if the only way you can get the 5-yr TAFSCD ETP is if you have a legitimate case for missing the boat to UPT. I'll quote the exact verbiage when I return to the office next week. NGB has a different process that seems more flexible, if you're sponsored by a unit.

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On 3/16/2017 at 10:55 AM, bluedevil said:

I recently read the AFRC flying training guide (not sure of the exact document name) that I found on the AFRC/A3 Sharepoint page. It reads as if the only way you can get the 5-yr TAFSCD ETP is if you have a legitimate case for missing the boat to UPT. I'll quote the exact verbiage when I return to the office next week. NGB has a different process that seems more flexible, if you're sponsored by a unit.

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I also wonder if the new CSAF has conveyed a new stance or policy on these and age waivers. It seems in the last couple years under Welsh, a lot of people on here mentioned getting them approved. I have been seeing a lot of job postings lately saying no age waivers at this time. I wonder if that hold true with the TFCSD too. Granted this should all be different for ANG though... Right? 

  • 1 year later...

Just became aware that this could possibly be an issue due to the timeline for UPT in the Guard and Reserves...

Does anyone out there have any advice on the ETP letter? - Like others have said I would like to have a letter written ahead of time to make is easier on squadrons that may want to select me for a UPT slot.

For those with any insight, as for a legitimate case?? Would the extensive timeline leading up to UPT count? My 5 year Federal Commissioned Service Date will be AUG19, right before most squadrons are sending UPT candidates out. 

The actual reason this is an issue is that I began my military service in the army as an enlisted soldier and never had exposure to how amazing aviation is! Other than a horrifying flight to basic training lol. Now that I've become an Officer and earned a degree in engineering, I'm able to afford more expensive hobbies... Earned my PPL right after returning from a deployment this year and that's when I realized I wanted to fly for the Air Force. 

Any advice is appreciated!


I was selected by a Reserve unit for UFT and then got an ETP for my TFCSD with about 6 years in. I'm not sure if it helped or hurt that I'm currently IRR and have been for half my commissioned time. I believe the ETP had to be approved by the NAF and before my package went to the AFRC board. I did not have to do anything for the ETP - the unit handled it themselves. The manning situation now is probably quite different than 10 years ago when this thread was first posted. Where there's a wavier or exception, there's a way, so be up front about it and don't let it stop you from applying.

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Guest nsplayr

I got the TFCSD waiver signed recently with 11 years of prior commissioned service. Former active duty CSO, then Guard CSO, soon to be RPA pilot. The unit wrote the letter and handled the process, all I had to do was get them to hire me.

Cavet that it took over 2 years for my package to be complete with all waivers signed, but that’s more of a hit on the Guard training bureaucracy than the TFCSD process specifically. 

Good luck!

  • 4 weeks later...
On 10/16/2018 at 8:38 AM, nsplayr said:

I got the TFCSD waiver signed recently with 11 years of prior commissioned service. Former active duty CSO, then Guard CSO, soon to be RPA pilot. The unit wrote the letter and handled the process, all I had to do was get them to hire me.

Cavet that it took over 2 years for my package to be complete with all waivers signed, but that’s more of a hit on the Guard training bureaucracy than the TFCSD process specifically. 

Good luck!

Slightly off topic question for you:

As a rated CSO applying for RPA, is your PCSM still a factor? Not sure if those scores become ancient history after you get your wings.

Guest nsplayr

Funny story, glad you asked. Yes, they will ask for your PCSM score, and depending on how crusty you are, your AFOQT pilot component will be too old and not usable for generating a PCSM. They will tell you to take the AFOQT again. BL: Don’t do it.

I refused. That’s the biggest load of utter bullshit I’ve ever heard of. I have a PPL, re-took the TBAS (45 mins and pretty painless), and have been an officer for more than 11 years and a rated aviator for more than 10 years. Don’t tell me I have to take a 3-4 hour but-roll test to see if I qualify to be an officer, GMAFB.

Luckily, my OG/CC went to bat, called up San Antonio, and got the requirement waived for me and another former Nav in the same boat. I had a 3rd buddy in the same situation, but despite my success story, he took the cowards way out and just re-took the AFOQT 🙄

The system will only remain broken so long as we accept it with our actions. CSAF said stop complying with stupid shit and I’ve never seen a clearer example. This dude could not abide that level of stupidity.

If you or your chain wants to talk to my leadership about exactly what they did and who authorized it PM me.

3 hours ago, nsplayr said:

This dude could not abide that level of stupidity.

If you or your chain wants to talk to my leadership about exactly what they did and who authorized it PM me.

Yikes, but I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. 

Appreciate the offer - unfortunately this will be more than a few years away for me. Cheers


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