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Bad news for Pope Herk crew dogs

Guest Boom

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Wow, I remember him. That guy made all the aircrew wake up early to pick up trash around the base one day. But that wasen't enough, he made us all wear our flight suits so the rest of the base would know that he made aircrew pick up trash, not just some shoeclerk types. I think most of the trash I picked up was from the first gulf war.

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Guest Matt Damon

I think that the bigger news should be that a Nav is a wing commander and has a star.

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Guest Boom
Wow, I remember him. That guy made all the aircrew wake up early to pick up trash around the base one day. But that wasen't enough, he made us all wear our flight suits so the rest of the base would know that he made aircrew pick up trash, not just some shoeclerk types. I think most of the trash I picked up was from the first gulf war.

I was a shoe clerk type that worked for him. I was in the 386 EOG/CSS and was one of his bitches to do odd jobs. He was also the one who pushed for people to wear either their DCU/Bags or their PT windbreaker and pants during hours of day light during Ramadan. And you could eat or drink anything in front of TCN's.

He was also the 61 AS/CC when that Herk crashed in Kuwait back in '99.

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Guest Boom
I think that the bigger news should be that a Nav is a wing commander and has a star.

Mildenhall's Wing King is a Navigator. There's a lot of O-6's in the C-130 Slick world that are Navs.

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I have met several 0-6 nav types, one is the current 463AG/CC but he is a terrific guy and we all have a great deal of respect for him. This particular individual at Pope is disliked not because of his rating but because of what a douche he is. Oh, and he only had 1700 hours in the aircraft when he was at Salem... I don't know anyone with more than one assignment who has that few; which tells me he has spent his career doing indoor activities to get promoted and not flying.

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Guest Boom

I think someone here once said they over heard an Evaluator Nav state, "There wasn't a big enough rock in North Carolina I could throw at him to get him inside a C-130."

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Mildenhall's Wing King is a Navigator. There's a lot of O-6's in the C-130 Slick world that are Navs.

The Dyess OG/CC and OSS/CC are both WSOs, and that's in the B-1. I'm not sure, but I think the commander of the Herks here may be a nav as well...Only met him once at the "Welcome to Dyess" inprocessing brief.

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I think someone here once said they over heard an Evaluator Nav state, "There wasn't a big enough rock in North Carolina I could throw at him to get him inside a C-130."

No, it was the OG Chief of Stan/Eval who said it. The Fun Burglar was at Pope for over a year by the time I had left and he had completed exactly one flight on Indoc. He commanded the busiest C-130 Ops Group in the world while holding the qualification of UN, and less hours than most INs. That man is more out of touch with the line Herc drivers/navs/loadies/FEs than any "leader" I encountered in the 130 community

Ladies and gentlemen - be afraid. This is a Doc in the making. I shit you negative

Only good thing is that he's not a fighter guy so there's not much chance of him getting 4 stars.

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The Dyess OG/CC and OSS/CC are both WSOs, and that's in the B-1. I'm not sure, but I think the commander of the Herks here may be a nav as well...Only met him once at the "Welcome to Dyess" inprocessing brief.

The current 317th AG/CC is a nav (who seems to do a decent amount of flying with us) and the new 40th AS/CC will be a nav.

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Offutt has been getting a steady influx of B-1/B-2 pilots to head up our groups and squadrons. And our Wing King is a JSTARS pilot but was a -16 driver before that. Goes a long way to say what they think of having Recce leaders even lead their own wing.


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Guest Boom
Only good thing is that he's not a fighter guy so there's not much chance of him getting 4 stars.

Or the fact he's isn't a Pilot. Only Herk guy I can think of with 4 stars is General Schwartz, TRANSCOM/CC.

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I think that the bigger news should be that a Nav is a wing commander and has a star.

3 years ago at Moody our Wing King was a 130 Nav (Heithold). He got his star right after he PCSd up the road to WR.

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Guest Hueypilot812

The Fun Burgler is now a wing king? With the other stuff I see going on, I'm really going to have to grit my teeth to grind through the last 10 years towards retirement. I had the luck (if you can call it that) to serve under his "command" at Salem when he was the 386 EOG/CC. Things I saw and shook my head at:

- The Sock Manifesto...yes, he himself wrote and emailed a detailed PT uniform guide, to include the type, size and color of socks to be worn, as well as how far the shirt could hang over the waist of the shorts.

- Ramp Police...he and his cohorts (many of whom were unwilling draftees forced to watch his madness) would stand on the ramp and report any "violators"...ie, aircraft commanders that passed within 24.8 feet of a power unit without a marshaller were busted to copilot...ACs that taxied .25 feet off the runway without shutting down the outboard engines became copilots...aircrew being observed urinating near the aircraft (using the urinals on the aircraft were verboten during his reign) were also penalized.

- Camp Cleanup and Nonrated Personnel Appreciation Day...yes, he did specifically require aircrew to arrive at camp cleanup in DFDUs, and allowed non-aircrew to clean up in PT gear...just to show the non-aircrew types that aircrews actually did work.

- Operation Copilot...he created the policy that if any aircrew member was observed not wearing a seatbelt, not wearing a reflective belt, out of uniform for any reason (PT or DFDU), or a litany of other reasons, their respective Aircraft Commander would become a copilot for a week. We all seriously thought about testing this theory by seeing if all of our ACs could get busted to CP, and see just where this would go. Unfortunately, we never did do it.

I was a Dyess guy, and glad to hear he went back to Pope. But if he's now a WG/CC, it appears he's on track to be AMC's next example of why aircrews take the VSP or otherwise jump ship. I have noticed a large number of "leaders" that have very little background doing operational things, and alot of background filing papers, getting coffee and revising AFIs with idiotic new rules.

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- Ramp Police...he and his cohorts (many of whom were unwilling draftees forced to watch his madness) would stand on the ramp and report any "violators"...ie, aircraft commanders that passed within 24.8 feet of a power unit without a marshaller were busted to copilot...ACs that taxied .25 feet off the runway without shutting down the outboard engines became copilots...aircrew being observed urinating near the aircraft (using the urinals on the aircraft were verboten during his reign) were also penalized.

- Operation Copilot...he created the policy that if any aircrew member was observed not wearing a seatbelt, not wearing a reflective belt, out of uniform for any reason (PT or DFDU), or a litany of other reasons, their respective Aircraft Commander would become a copilot for a week. We all seriously thought about testing this theory by seeing if all of our ACs could get busted to CP, and see just where this would go. Unfortunately, we never did do it.

Wow. Just....wow. Not using the urinal? Sure, if we're on the ground I might wait until we take off to use it so I don't create a puddle for the MX guys to step over, but give me a f'ing break!

Should have done it. Hey, "crew duties" require me to not wear my seatbelt... I would want to see the reaction of the WG/CC when he hears that the Herks can't turn sorties because of a lack of qualified AC's.

I'm still a young guy...where do crewdogs lose their sense of reality? Is it the O4 lobotomy? These idiots just kill morale in their effort to look good for the next board...WTFO?

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where do crewdogs lose their sense of reality?

This shining example was never a crewdog. There are crew dogs and there are pidgeons. You have to throw rocks at a pidgeon to get it to fly.


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Guest Boom

Don't forget the weekly retreat ceremonies for the whole EOG which trumped doing anything else operationally (yes, that's the Fun Burglar front and center).


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I wonder if guys like this sat there looking at some SQ/CC or WG/CC and said what a douche'..... I'll never turn into that. My real fear is turning into one of these guys.

I also wonder if he thinks he's one of the boys

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Guest Boom
I wonder if guys like this sat there looking at some SQ/CC or WG/CC and said what a douche'..... I'll never turn into that. My real fear is turning into one of these guys.

I also wonder if he thinks he's one of the boys

The current 61 AS/CC is one of them. And he's also a Nav.

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The current 61 AS/CC is one of them. And he's also a Nav.

Only a couple more weeks my friend... :beer: for everyone :beer:

I'll be a happy day in the 61 when that happens, those going to the 53 are lucky, the CC and DO are awesome guys.

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This has nothing to do with being a Nav and being a CC. We all know good and bad Navs....AND good and bad Pilots...

The point is this guy is THE worst leader I have ever been around. I have never been one to blame leaders for mishaps, but I can say this guy directly contributed to the crash in Kuwait. His focus on non-flying related tasks was #1. He never flew. He had no idea what our mission was. The Al Jabar mission was labeled as one of the most difficult in theater...yet, a brand new AC was assigned to it.

When he came down to show his face for the crash in Kuwait, he didn't even bother to stop by to talk with the crew to see how they were doing.

He was never an instructor. He was BARELY qualified. He flew with an Instructor every time he flew.

He honestly treated us like he was dealing with a bunch of cadets from the zoo...

I could go on and on...please watch your back around this guy. He is a 100% DICKHEAD...only concerned about himself...couldn't care less about his subordinates.

Edited by mule
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Guest Boom
This has nothing to do with being a Nav and being a CC. We all know good and bad Navs....AND good and bad Pilots...

The point is this guy is THE worst leader I have ever been around. I have never been one to blame leaders for mishaps, but I can say this guy directly contributed to the crash in Kuwait. His focus on non-flying related tasks was #1. He never flew. He had no idea what our mission was. The Al Jabar mission was labeled as one of the most difficult in theater...yet, a brand new AC was assigned to it.

When he came down to show his face for the crash in Kuwait, he didn't even bother to stop by to talk with the crew to see how they were doing.

He was never an instructor. He was BARELY qualified. He flew with an Instructor every time he flew.

He honestly treated us like he was dealing with a bunch of cadets from the zoo...

I could go on and on...please watch your back around this guy. He is a 100% DICKHEAD...only concerned about himself...couldn't care less about his subordinates.

The amount of bad Navs as Commanders outweigh the amount of bad Pilots who are Commanders IMHO.

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